
I respect what you're saying and I see where you're coming from. I get you.

It's all a big smokescreen indeed. And the origins were started by a dude who was mad at his ex girlfriend and he decided to spread revenge porn about her.

Are you a self-identified gamer who acts like a misogynist asshat? Because it appears that "asmallcat" is referring to self-identified gamers who behave in that way. I identify as a gamer and felt NO offense when reading asmallcat's post. I don't behave like a misogynist asshat, hence I have no reason to take

"GUYS! WE ARE NOT EVIL. WE LOVE WOMEN AND BLACK PEOPLE. GO LOOK AT #NOTYOURSHIELD!" :::dives behind #NotYourShield hashtag to avoid insult and injury:::


And if you really want to get technical - it started because some dude was mad at his ex girlfriend and decided to spread revenge porn about her. INTEGRITY!

I also wish people would stop using "social justice warrior" to shut down discussions about social issues. I thought the point of the internet is to convene and discuss. As soon as someone offers a socially progressive point of view (or extreme left wing hippy dippy liberal POV - as others like to call it) then

Gamergate started based on the actions of a dude who was pissed off at his ex-girlfriend. I mean come on, where is the integrity in spreading revenge porn?

Why isn't there just some hashtag like: #EthicalReporting

Here I will explain Gamergate:

YES please! Stop this idiotic "movement" that was started by a guy trying to get back at his ex girlfriend. So pathetic! If you want journalistic integrity, join the freaking club - of LIFE. That's the way the world works. GAMING journalism faces the same issues as ALL journalism. I don't care if someone is writing

I don't think any of these people are ugly - they just look like regular people. It's stupid to resort to calling others "ugly", revealing how obvious it is that one has nothing of substance to criticize.

Focus on the Fuckwits.

This is all it says to me:

Wow. That shit isn't even true! All people are complicated and they say shit while thinking different shit. End of story. This disgusts me so much...

Jezebel writers with their scope on Gamergate should look into the BioWare games, namely the upcoming game "Dragon Age: Inquisition." The BioWare forums have a lot of activity from fans there, and quite often you will see thread upon thread regarding a certain character from the game named Cassandra.