
I don't think the ending was ambiguous at all. She was clearly talking about Trump and calling for resistance to him and all his ilk. It was a striking statement and a great episode over all.

"And the topic of race and how many of which are getting killed and not killed is getting so tired."

Abraham was protecting Eugene from the beginning. A bunch of people
helped in that effort and many were killed for their trouble.

Rick took over Shane's group which included Daryl, Carol, Glenn and Carl. Maggie and Michonne are additions to that core.

I know. How could there be any racism in this country. I mean, come on, this country??!! Never happen!!

Michonne and Sasha are strong black characters. But, it can't be denied that the black male characters are being killed off at an alarming rate this season. What's more, there never seem to be any leaders who are black. Maybe Michonne in one episode this season. But Gabriel's a coward, Tyrese was a leader for a

So does that mean we are going to see a Sasha/Rick hook up on the show?

Yes they were chewed up something fierce. But in the end were they unrecognizable as human beings (like T-Dogg, Noah)? No.

I'll just cut and paste from my original post: "And in tonight's episode, Aiden's death was gory, but his face - and thus
in some sense his humanity - remained intact. It was just the opposite for Noah."

I'm using the term dehumanizing to refer to cases where, in their deaths, the characters are no longer visually recognizable as human. That Lori's remains were eaten by a zombie makes her exactly the same as just about everyone on the show who was killed by a zombie.

The way I'm seeing it brutality and dehumanization are not the same thing. The last we saw of Lori she was dying in her son's arms, her humanity very much intact.

Disagree. We did not see Lori's death. It was off screen. And we never saw her remains either. Now, if Rick had chosen to go to work with his knife, you would probably have a really good point.

Ehh, in a country with our racial history it is not too surprising that people are going to note issues of race when they come up in popular culture. Whether that is justified by any particular statistical measure, it sure is understandable (to me, at least).

Though I like the show a lot, the deaths of black characters have been
too often dehumanizing in the sense that we see them shredded into
nothing. I am thinking, of course, of Noah from this episode, but also
T-Dogg. Our last view of him was a bloody pile of viscera and bone.
Compare Lori's death - we never saw it,