This is good logic.
This is good logic.
Eh, just look at the soft landing Spicey is having in his post PressSec career. Visiting fellow at Harvard, Emmys gig, etc.
I don’t know because he is not EVEN FUNNY. I feel like the Venn diagram of people who are amused by Kevin James and people who voted for Donald Trump is just a circle.
Because the graphics are fucking incredible. You should download the demo and take a look!
Finally, an NFL play Donald Trump approves of.
And some people who play them have relationships with actual, flesh-and-blood people. Give it a shot!
Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?
“...because that is my job as a social media influencer” is hereby the precise utterance that concludes my participation on Earth.
I think it’s obvious to say don’t bring the trolls out of the greys.
Talks like a shallow asshole: is shallow asshole.
I don’t think he’s trolling, I think he’s just stupid.
This. Most of the Trump supporters I know are well-off white people who are simply fucking douchebags who imagine themselves to be victims in spite of all their undeserved success and literally never having been a victim of anything in their entire lives. They’re victims of Obama even though their shitty McMansion’s…
Actually, that’s not how the *justice system* works.
As a latin american, I should be offended someone is misrepresenting Futbol.
Urban legends/racist practices in the past. Such as the idea that coating bullets in pork fat, descreating a corpse with pork, etc. will somehow fuck up their faith’s version of an afterlife.
Let’s start by asking this question: why do these rednecks think any Muslim would want to go anywhere near their shitty trailer in the first place?
... or condoms and Duggars?
I like to think the woman is porcine in shape herself and the lard she sends is her own triple-chin sweat drippings.
Starred because I’m currently wrestling with my own Bob.