Lake Nipigon

“According to Sullivan, the deputy told her that if the dog had bit him he’d have sued them, and that shooting the dog was better than that. He then allegedly said it was a “shame” he “had to waste that bullet because it’s a really expensive bullet.”

Yeah this guy sounds like someone who has the mental stability

I wonder if anyone’s ever told Trump how fucking dumb he looks? I mean, how many caricatures of yourself where they paint you orange with pale blobs around your eyes do you have to look at before you go “Oh, huh, I guess that makes me look like a fucking moron who can’t even figure out how to put on bronzer without

So, far as I’ve been able to tell, a big part of it for Spacey is that he gets off on throwing his weight around and dominating people. There was a bit from another story about how his (apparent) favorite fetish was to fuck straight guys, like their resistance to it just made him more turned on and he’d get more

I’m never gonna understand the psychology of The Closet simply because it doesn’t apply to me, but my best guess is that it simply didn’t dawn on Spacey that nobody* gives a fuck if you’re gay in 2017. It was almost certainly a big deal to him; he seems to have just assumed political and social mores haven’t budged in

How the fuck do you even get to this level of cartoonishly evil? Jesus fucking christ.

Jesus, that poor kid is still named Blanket?


You seem like a good judge of that.

I...Legitimately feel bad for making fun of how fucked up Corey Feldman is in the past.

It’s weird. You’d figure an actor would put two and two together re: people’s emotional gut reactions, but look how this went down.

Semi-Normal person’s response to accusations that they (maybe drunkenly) sexually assaulted a teenager 20 years ago*:
“Oh my god. Okay, a) I do not remember this, b) I have to rectify this

Pre and post transition Jenner bathroom pictures
“Oh jeez, look at the uproar over this harmless thing, everyone’s so PC now and takes everything so seriously, everything is so politicized and libtards are such crybaby snowflakes”
Kapernick kneeling during the anthem

Oh damn and she has hair now too! This information being known in advance has rendered me entirely unable to appreciate or enjoy Season 2.

Next you’re gonna tell me Luke Skywalker is onboard the Millennium Falcon at some point in The Last Jedi. I mean, why even go see it now? 

Is it just me or does Cheeto look a lot less bloated and well-fed than usual in that picture? The stress must really be getting to him.

How unfortunate.

Oh lol I just remembered that this guy is cooperating with Muller to avoid jailtime. Okay, that makes this even funnier.

“Goddamit, they actually check this shit? How am I supposed to nominate anyone now?” - Cheeto

I saw “billionaire owner” and before even seeing a picture of him went “Old, white, plural number of chins, poorly-fitting suit”.

It’s like being a scumbag with unlimited power has a physical effect.

Geese do not give up easily! I, uh...Hesitate to go into detail here because then everyone (who has not had to fight a motherfucking goose) is gonna be all “Oh no, how could you do that to the poor defenseless birdie?” but yeah, I had to actually beat that thing up pretty good, like square off and punch/kick the shit

Yup. Anything with a fan base of “disposable” talent will exploit the living shit out of them.

Wanna start as a QA tester in the games industry? You’re lucky to pull in $10 an hour and you will very likely be laid off at the project’s conclusion.

Wanna start as a QA tester in (almost) any other branch of the tech

Has this game gotten better? I want to like it, but when I played about...I dunno, three years ago? It was awesome until it suddenly wasn’t. It felt like an MMO version of EYE: Divine Cybermancy. Weird as all get out (which I looooove) but the actual systems quickly begin to feel slapdash and...Well there was a lot of

No, no I don’t. Those claws look very large and small-mammal-bone-snap-y. I mean, I think I’d win in a deathmatch (full disclosure, I beat up an overly-aggressive goose attacking my sister once until it ran away so I feel pretty confident in my bird fighting skillz), but the multiple lacerations and/or missing