Lake Effect Woe

Thank you. The determinant equation was the first thing I noticed... is that the adjoint? I also like the random $f:X \to X \cap W$ (using tex since I’m guessing you’ll know it), just below the cardinality equation, as though they are related in some way...

A lot of those aren’t equations, which tend to feature an =. They’re just expressions - no solving being done. Not impressed.

These are important questions you’re asking. On one hand, she’s a successful female entrepreneur, so perhaps they’re going for a ‘strong female role model’ angle. On the other hand, she invented a mop and “huggable hangars,” so... yeah. I don’t know either.

Ah, I thought I had looked through all the links, and didn’t see it. Thanks.

Oh yes, it is, though it’s no longer permitted to use the term ‘University’ in the title and has never been accredited. It’s now called The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative.

What am I looking at here? Is this actually a student’s application list?

It’s not exactly the same - it doesn’t just get put into their endowment. The funding they get is need based financial aid for students and research grants. The research is for the benefit of society, not the college, so this makes sense.

Ugh, this is just a tease. I’m freezing all the time, including right now, and there’s nothing that sounds better than curling up under one of those chunky blankets.

It is insensitive, but considering the guy has not been caught, hopefully someone recognizes him (unlikely, it’s hard to make our any features) or the room from the image.

There have been kids that were punished for making hand gestures resembling a gun. Their principal knew they didn’t have a gun, but they were still violating the “zero tolerance” rules. I believe it’s the same idea here - even though they knew it wasn’t a bomb, it looked a bit like one, so he was in trouble.

He was asked a question about the challenges they have, and he mentioned some. He was not complaining. He didn’t say they didn’t like it. I’m not a big fan of either of them, but there’s just nothing here to be angry about. He used a phrase that implies they move around a lot, which they do. Nothing more.

Threats? She just sounds disappointed that her daughter doesn’t want to talk to her. She also realizes it’s something she needs to work through, which is why she’s asking for advice.

I enjoy the little visual I just had of some old white republican crafting his KKK hood out of an ordinary bedsheet...

Wrong. There’s not a single person in this country that’s telling young men and women to “just, y’know, do whatever”. There are absolutely still rules, societal norms, and laws that young people are expected to adhere to.

Fine. Let’s say a full half of all reported rapes are false accusations, then, even though that’s not remotely true. That’s still an awful lot of actual rapes on college campuses - are you really going to suggest there is not a nationwide problem?

I have a t-shirt that I got in 8th grade from Old Navy, that I’ll still wear on occasion. That may not be impressive, except for the fact that I’m 35 years old. Their stuff holds up!

Very possible. If I had seen this Fox clip on TV, I would not have noticed. So, it’s probably been around and just went right over my head.

Huh. I’ve heard grape soda references before (though I never really understood that either), but never Kool-Aid.

I definitely would not have gotten the ‘joke’ until now. Funny.

I am white, but that’s pretty interesting. What an odd thing to be associated with race; I’m fairly sure plenty of white people have had more than their share of Kool-Aid!