
I see Moira responding to trauma by loudly fighting back. Maybe you see her quietly healing. However, I find it hard to believe that none of the people who have escaped to Canada have given public testimony.

Interestingly, Moira and Luke don’t seem to fear retaliation against June.

I had some of the same questions about this episode.

The show-runner said they made Serena Joy younger than she was in the book because she was fertile. I was surprised by the flashback where she was shot in the abdomen, because had I not read that interview, I would have assumed this injury damaged her ovaries or

Why do you think the letters were more effective than testimony from recent escapees like Moira?

And: didn’t the Commander rape Moira when she was a Jezebel? Hence her “My name is Moira” sign at the end of the episode. I recall he told June he “knew” Moira is the biblical sense and wanted a threesome. Even if Moira

I ended up rolling a Ferengi and played some of the tutorial last night. I just met Captain Nog, which was very excited. I’m more of a Niner than a Trekkie so the DS9 expac is what finally got me interested in this game. I’m definitely going to play for the story than participating in whatever STO’s version of endgame

I haven’t played a free-to-play MMORPG before. Do I need to play through all of the game to get to the newest DS9 expansion?

I teach comics in my English classes, but I do think there is also value in learning about real countries in international marketing class.

I was a huge YA SF/F fan as a child, and can’t believe I haven’t heard of The Dark is Rising. Would you recommend it to an adult reader that still enjoys YA SF/F? I loved His Dark Materials and read them as they came out (I was a tween/teen when they were published).

The Micro Machines NES game was sure fun.

I am looking forward to more of Serena Joy ruling by proxy through her incapacitated husband. I’d like to see her keep him drugged so she can stay in power.

It is everywhere but Alaska and Hawaii, but I think much of the country is the wasteland called “The Colonies.”

This was in a Deep Space 9 fan group! After the moderator closed the discussion, one or two people PMed me to continue the “discussion.”

I did say “some entitled fans.” They may be the minority, but they are still a toxic segment of the fandom. Much of it is an undercurrent. Just yesterday, someone told me Sisko wasn’t a real captain. Last month, two Star Trek fans told me my students were lazy, entitled millennials because my students were writing

Unfortunately, in my experience, Star Trek fans aren’t much better. I think there is some parallel between the Discovery backlash and the The Last Jedi backlash. Some entitled fans don’t like seeing women of color in the captain’s chair.

I do believe you. I take my toddler to play at Cal Anderson park sometimes—and hung out there regularly the summer Pokémon Go came out—and never saw any needles. I wonder of someone cleans up the playground in the morning now.

It is interesting that Jenny Durkan is positioning herself as a champion for ending the war on drugs and standing up to Trump. When she was the US District Attorney under Obama, she raided medical marijuana dispensaries, jailed anarchists for months without charges, and hired a sex offender to entrap two Muslims in a

I hear about needles being left around but I must be oblivious. I live about 2 miles from downtown and haven’t ever found one, and I take my toddler downtown, and to various parks and libraries and public bathrooms pretty often.

I do support the needle exchange opening, however, because I believe it will improve public

It is true our homeless population has increased since the recession. Most homeless folks were living in Seattle or King County when they became homeless, contrary to what the local news reports. What is different, since I was a kid, is homeless folks live in the suburbs now rather than just congregating downtown near

I’m American and age 33, but went to a cheap public university in my own state. It was about $12,000 total for my four-year degree, and that is what you’ll pay in one year for tuition now at the same school. Tuition has gone up a lot in a short amount of time.

I feel like such an anomaly that I go to all the Marvel movies and have MoviePass but don’t have student loan debt.