
Oh, having a Disney Princess name is rough! I should know. The Little Mermaid came out when I was in preschool. On the plus side, suddenly people knew how to spell my name. But ever since, I get asked, “were you named after the mermaid?” pretty regularly.

I’m really glad “Many Moons” is on this list. I’ve been watching it a few times a year for the past decade, and get something new out of it every time. I’m really glad Janelle Monae’s career has taken off. In addition to being a fabulous musician, she is a wonderful science fiction storyteller.

That Orgy video took me back to my teenage years! I forgot about them until I saw them on a Charmed rerun recently.

I think I’m going to ask my students to read “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” in class tomorrow. They’re working on an assignment right now based on her quote, “ We will need writers who can remember freedom.”

So, I asked Trendacosta on Twitter, and she said she did leave io9 but is still freelancing here. And here I was getting excited for a little more objective reviews of Discovery.

How far out to reviewers screen episodes? Maybe these were in the queue to go live on io9 on Monday mornings before she left. I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt since I used to really enjoy her articles, prior to her Discovery reviews.

OT but I love your username. Though the original Animorphs was pretty gritty.

I had thought Trendacosta resigned from io9, but I guess she came back to crap on Discovery. I recall that her complaint was that Lorca wasn’t an honorable Starfleet captain when he left Mudd behind in prison. I thought that was a pretty clear telegraph that Lorca was a villain (that and setting up Admiral Cornwall

If you were my student, you’d be writing your lit research paper on Star Trek.

I remember that episode and this article!

I wonder if Trendacosta didn’t actually write this review.

I was wondering the same thing. Or, perhaps Trendacosta didn’t write this review, since this is actually an evenhanded assessment of the episode.

Right. My friends and family love Discovery. All life-long Star Trek viewers, but casual in terms of they don’t engage in any fandom activities.

Spoiler below!

Fortunately, Dr. Culber will be back. They said on After Trek the original Culber will return, and it will have something to do with the mycelium network. They decided not to have a Mirror Version of Culber.

Spoilers for upcoming episodes below.

As a Xena fan, I thought the flashback made it 100% clear that the woman who died was Valkyrie’s lover. Call me old fashioned, but I was very satisfied.

I got my commentor star (pre-kinja) for sharing a Fringe fanvid that redid the opening credits like the opening to Firefly on the #odeck. The video was shared here.

The Klingons get a little better later in the first season. I’m enjoying L’Rell’s storyline.

Excuse me for continuing to be a devoted science fiction fan after reproducing.