
Oops I still wear sleeveless turtlenecks. I bought some at Nordstrom Rack this summer because they were long enough to work as maternity tops, but I was determined to only buy clothes I could wear after junior was born.

Good point! I saw a buddy (white woman, college student) punched in the stomach by a random big white guy during a march once. He disappeared before anyone thought to react. Another time (I wasn’t there), a Latina friend was picketing a business that wasn’t giving its employees breaks, and a guy (maybe the son of the

That is great you’re going! I’m on the west coast, so not sure about the weather. Are you from somewhere warmer than DC? Probably lots of layers and a big coat?

Bandana, thanks! Didn’t catch that autocorrect before the edit window closed.

Protest organizers usually make a distinction between family-friendly marches and rowdier activities. You never know how the police will behave, but if there is a permit you will probably be fine.

My mom, aunts, and their friends are coming from the suburbs to participate in our city’s women’s march. I’ve been Protesty McProtester since I was a teen, so it makes me happy that more than the usual suspects will be participating.

The hotels and AirBnBs in DC haven’t been selling out, so there is hope inauguration will be poorly attended.

Found the comment, thank you! Looking forward to watching it tonight.

Anyone on this thread know if/when Wishful Drinking will be on HBO Go?

Body hair works well for me! I know not everyone can or wants to be hairy, but it has been excellent man repellent. That and short hair. I occasionally get hit on really oblivious old guys, but for the most part am left alone, even in skimpy outfits.

In the style of kung fu I train in, the groin is a fair target, even in sparring. Some folks choose to wear cups. However, at my school’s self defense classes, the teachers don’t teach the groin as a primary self defense target because not everyone, including people with testicles, is going to be effected by a groin

I’m so sorry for the loss of your daughter. My best friend took his own life when we were 16. Nobody should die so young.

I don’t even have a console that can play this. *orders it anyways*

I don’t even have a console that can play this. *orders it anyways*

That is fucked up, but also a mainstream belief in the early 20th century. Not to excuse Sanger, but she wasn’t an outlier.

Stalking Cat won at looking like a cat. I was lucky enough to get to interview him for my college newspaper before he passed away.

The comments were pretty bad on her Stranger articles too.

I’ll see the occasional Free Mumia banner at MLK Day or May Day marches, but not for a few years, now that you mention it. There also used to be a Free Leonard Peltier guy in my town a few years back who got in a lot of Facebook fights.

I played Final Fantasy XI too! But before Blue Mage was added.

Who do you consider worse?

Oh the socialist newspapers... I was lucky to have come of age in a college town that mercifully didn’t have any Trotskyist groups. I was so confused when I went to protests in other cities and walked a gauntlet of people trying to sell me a newspaper.