Ehhhhhh I feel like there is no “right” way to do something as personal as coming out, and that this is kind of shitty of Galvin.
Ehhhhhh I feel like there is no “right” way to do something as personal as coming out, and that this is kind of shitty of Galvin.
She used to bug me but now I don’t know why and have done a full 180º on Martha. I love her too. She’s kind of a badass and I really like that.
I love Martha forever and always.
I was going to wait for it to finish and then watch it so I didn't get burned like all those suckers who got hooked on Lost, but by the time it wrapped up I was so sick of hearing about it that I just didn't bother.
LOL her story reminds me of my grandmother who was in a similar situation except it was a psychiatric facility not a prison, and it was game shows and reality tv like “Deal or No Deal” instead of BET. Her faux-WASPy heart was outraged by having to watch “trash” with the unwashed plebes instead of being able to watch…
Yeah Freelee. Raw Till 4 is what I call your DAD.
Okay, ROLL CALL, who else is in this shameful arrangement?
adam pally pro: OMG ADAM PALLY
*insert air being let out of balloon sound here*
I love that this story is on Jez. I was performing on stage with her on Sunday. I didn’t know her personally, but by all reports she was an awesome woman and will be dearly missed.
I’m having issues too — I see a tiny rectangle that appears to show the top of an image for each set of images, and it KILLS me on these because I want to see the pictures inspiring the words.
yeah :( these posts always have picture problems and its a bummer because i NEED to see them
are the pictures of the girls being all spazzy and wobbly for anyone else? or did i really have a rage stroke from the earlier news today and my vision is damaged?