
make sure that most of your donation goes to where it’s needed and not to “administration” costs

Dishwashers aren’t actually watertight. Ask anyone that’s tried to use Dish soap in one.

Maybe I missed something, but this appears to be a list of ways you can help out your friends, not a list of things new parents should expect from their friends on threat of ostracization.

I’ve been saying this a lot, but I’m going to keep saying this: this is not the right cause to send all your old clothes, books, toys, and teddy bears to. If an organization calls for in-kind donations and you happen to have what they need, donate that, but in general, used goods gum up the works during relief

Doesn’t the article end with “More importantly, do you have questions you’d like to see addressed in this column? Email your queries, big and small...” which implies you’re open to answering questions and/or taking suggestions for future articles? This person had questions about this article, and when they asked you