LA Julian

They haven't heard of "Foe-yay" - or they pretend not to.

Well, their current top "creative" guy is someone who got his job by figuring out how to get butts in the seats of roller coasters based off movies based off best-selling books, so you're probably right as to their thinking process…

They used to. This is the same studio that gave us Casablanca AND Bugs Bunny, remember.

There are people who like Sucker Punch, too.

I dunno, man, Phoenix Wright seems to have a LOT more excitement than BvS…

Writing. You forgot Writing. And the Printing Press…


It's like the newspapers relegating Content far, far below Ads (while stubbornly refusing to make their online classifieds searchable, until Craigslist beat them to it) — and then wondering why readership fell off.

Also, they're going with the "let's see what works and doesn't work so well" version from the already-reinvented "let's see what works and doesn't" Ultimates comics. A lot of rough edges got sanded off that way, instead of trying to cram in all kinds of random fanservicey bits without regard to how well they fit, like

Don't forget the continued influence of David Goyer, either. Putting him with Zack Snyder is like getting Sid from Toy Story together with his duplicator clone.

"Well, other directors have used mysterious pictures to introduce characters in their films, and it worked, so why can't we just copy and paste the same device in ours?"

He's only admitting to shouting at them, so far. (Which is still abusive, and would get you fired if you did it to another adult at your workplace, but when it's just your loved ones, people will make every excuse for you.)
We'll see if that's the extent of it, or denial.

Studios used to have heads who not only cared about profits, but also believed to some degree in the value of Story. WB is the studio that made Casablanca, after all. But those days are long, long gone — now they've got a tax guy, Berkeley MBA with a background in running roller coasters as head creative, and they

Snyder hates Jimmy Olsen, though. And he said flat out that Superman was a boring character, too, who needed to be killed off for that reason. He only loves Dark Bat, aka Broody McBroodsalot. (And Goyer doesn't just hate the characters, he also hates other fanboys. There can Be! Only! One!)

YES. That is the point that undermines the whole "We NEED these superheroes because otherwise we're completely helpless/We MUST GET RID OF superheroes because with them we are passive and helpless" dichotomy: ordinary people, even bad guys! — refusing to play The Game, and sacrifice others for their own safety.

Even Macbeth, one of the grimmest plays in the English language, has a moment of comic relief.

This has been my suspicion for a long time, with WB and Sony especially — the people in charge any more don't themselves enjoy Story, so they can only make fumbling guesses at what people who do love Stories will like, and sometimes they latch on to one that works, like the proverbial blind squirrel — and then they

I think it's the way Snyder does it — what he's interested in, is posing an elaborate 3D diorama to exactly match the on-page image, instead of staging a sequence that mirrors what the printed drawings are trying to convey. It's like he misunderstands completely that sequential art is all about trying to depict motion

When you're stoned out of your gourd, even Zack Snyder movies look colourful and light and fun!

And Groot. Especially Groot.