What would be funny is to set a helicopter scene to Lohengrin.
What would be funny is to set a helicopter scene to Lohengrin.
Very interesting. That does make sense — and adds a little nuance that both fits with, and subverts, Alfred's tale of the man in Burma who was trying to end the British colonial power in his small way, as an irrational spoiler as well as a bandit, since there are actually good reasons for a rebel to avoid using stolen…
Especially since it's got an asterisk for "women & children in steerage may not be included in this offer"…
It's "chivalry" & goes w "m'lady" and fedoras… As a fan of Miyazaki, I prefer badass ex-pirate queens as morally-ambiguous antagonists and heroes who will fight whoever needs to be fought, but prefer to bring peace if they can find a way…
I had a brief moment of hope when I was informed that Jason "Pan & Ice Age 4!" Fuchs was off the writing duties - but then that was dashed when the follow up was, the guy who wrote that abysmal, super-violent TV pilot was drafted to take over, from a story by Snyder. Sexy Schoolgirls & Steampunk Trench Warfare aka…
All the evidence needed for that is to be found by comparing his original Blade 2 script with the rewritten-from-ground-up del Toro movie, comparing that one to the much closer Norrington-directed first film — which STILL far surpasses the Goyer script, and what happened when he refused ANY directorial oversight…
That's because they won't let him have his protagonists give the 40+ page speeches that reveal every important nuance to their characters.
Don't forget would-be YA franchise starter Pan!
No one expects…I'll come in again.
Dirty Dozen came out in 1967. I think the concept's fair game by now.
Muahahah! They will BEG me to come back and save them from the Snyderverse!!!
The problem is, the resets just create a new layer of canon scramble to be deciphered.
A "story" designed to be able to be converted into an amusement park "experience", don't forget!
The current head of story at WB is an MBA from Berkley with a background in tax prep who got his foot in the door at Warners running the amusement park rides. This explains everything: cearly, he looks at all potential movies as vehicles for future roller-coasters, not as things which tell stories through visuals and…
Star Wars Buffy Books. (The only one of Sohmer's jokes I've ever laughed at, tbh.)
I just learned this morning that seastead-promoting anti-democracy oligarch Peter Thiel, Trump's Gay (TM) at the RNC, is looking into having the literal blood of the young transfused into his veins to grant him eternal youth.
Apparently they gave screenwriter Jason "Pan & Ice Age 4" Fuchs the heave-ho — but the script as it currently stands was partly written by the guy who wrote the horrible TV pilot, from a story by Zack Snyder, so there's that. The odds of it being Sexy Schoolgirls & Steampunk Trench Warfare aka Sucker Punch II went up…
Answer the question: do you go around defending Donald Trump from being mocked for wearing Tribbles and lying about being self made when he inherited the family business and has surrounded himself with a family entourage of plagiarists and liars?
Like Trump in so many more ways than the undeserved wealth, free PR, grandiosity, dishonesty, mediocrity, incompetence…
He's our Trump. (No, I know that isn't really an explanation, but it's the same problem/question writ small — why does the media continue to act like the Trumps are serious people engaged in serious business, when their serial dishonesties are documented everywhere? Because they're rich and famous? They're not THAT…