LA Julian

Right, because going with a dirt-cheap random actress over the beloved voice of Katara and Tinker Bell so you can spend a few more grand on shoddy CGI is the best investment possible when you want to get the next generation into your cinematic universe!

Red Hat these days.

1.5 TimeCubes.

Exactly — none of those things are things that harm anyone else, unlike being a dishonest would-be fascist troll.

No, it wasn't illegal, and her flashing her badge didn't get them to serve him — it was the fact that she had the authority to get them for an ACTUAL violation of health & safety laws, remember?

The mayor remains in prison, fwiw. Even though the people he disappeared to conduct medical experimentation on were not being tortured, punished, killed but attempting to be healed. And the idea that you can just wave a wand and fix everything — "sing a little song" — is ridiculous, because "the world has always been

Co-head of story is an Asian-American woman.

Exactly - just like with Discworld, everyone represents multiple real world situations. Bunnies are both coded, and dismissed, as feminine (see Stu's emotionality, Nick's "bad drivers" crack along with the "cute" thing) and also have many of the "model minority" supposedly-benevolent stereotypes that Asians suffer

There are also a lot of ways that rabbits are coded and stereotyped as Asian - book-learned and technical but timid, law-abiding model-minorities whose women are hypersexualized and whose men are feminized - to say nothing of the entire Mulan homage sequence at the beginning…which messed around with the original

That's why it's Zootopia, not Zystopia — yes, people are being disappeared for secret medical experimentation, but it's to try to restore them to health and make them people again (there's even an Island of Dr. Moreau homage that survived from the original "Jack Savage" concept stage!)

Predatory gays (poor Clawhauser!), rape culture, black people, Asians, every possible permutation just as in Discworld.

Cape Buffalo are the only ungulates capable of killing lions, and doing so regularly and systematically, in nature. It makes perfect sense to have one as head of police…

It's based on a little movie you may have heard of, called "The Lion King."

The reason it was "cut" or rather, the whole concept that included it discarded, was that the people who worked on it were rooting for the city/society to be destroyed and not saved, because it was so bleak and miserable. Essentially, the whole problem with Grimdark as ethos/esthetic, except unlike WB, they spotted it

Spambots attaining sentience. Skynet will happen in real time, with terrible punctuation.

"Jars of Pee" are IN this year! Every cartoon-based property will have them from now on.

Zootopia did the "humourous speed ramping" right.

Malick giving up on narrative altogether and making Gary Stu Screenwriter & His Terribly Sad Sufferings Amid The Sinful (Yet Curiously Enticing) Fleshpots Of Hollywood.

It really depends on the director. Sometimes you can find the original script and compare them side by side, and it's got major differences (Goyer's Blade 2 v del Toro's Blade 2) and sometimes the differences are not that big (Fuch's blacklist Pan script vs the final Joe Wright version) but a strong director can

If they're laughing at the jokes in the right places, or cheering when someone does something awesome, or gasping when something terrifying happens, that means it's working as drama.