“Well, I must go. I hope we shall meet again. I will give you some free advice, though.”
“Well, I must go. I hope we shall meet again. I will give you some free advice, though.”
YOU were the one who Summoned this monstrosity into existence!?
Nope. Fred Clark has fueled an entire hate-read/hate-watch reviewing decade-plus on that same feeling.
Remember! If the fringe is dipped in gold, it's an Admiralty flag!
Hard Money, Easy Kill.
Except that it costs you more than you save on the ticket end, because even CGI costs money, and people find it risible when things like, say, tanks look like they're made of paper mache and blowing up in a cheap flash game, in your movie.
I really like all the Trumpbots shouting about how they're buying TWO TICKETS just to show The Left!
If not, there should be!
Isn't that "Battle of Algiers"?
Trumper. Bet you $50.
I find him unattractively cross-eyed and bejowled, like a pug that has mysteriously developed abs…
It can join the Dover clip art on the Gods of Egypt poster in the lazy producers gallery.
Looks like a completely rubbish knock-off of Clear & Present Danger's plot and Patriot Games' setting, only without the moral depth or nuanced characterization and I honestly never thought I'd be writing those phrases in relation to a Tom Clancy-based property but there you go, in this morally & creatively bankrupt…
Ooh, I read that one in school! By John Christopher — Arthurian knights fight a gelatinous cube on a distant planet!
Oh, the state of movies and television has always been dire — there's a reason they called it "The Vast Wasteland" in the Seventies, and the history of film is 90% crap, ripoffs and knockoffs and sequels and remakes all the way down, but we only remember the good ones.
It wouldn't make a lot of people who would otherwise go "Sure, why not? Seems like a harmless way to kill a few hours" say OH HELL NO, which is what the whitewashing and dudecentering does now.
You know, that was a striking thing about CTHD. There was no lengthy drawn out backstory of the mystical weapon, it was just there, and everybody wanted it, because obviously everyone wants the ancient mystical weapon — what matters is the human drama surrounding it. Not the Macguffin. That would never fly these days,…
Also Hidden Dragon, given the disappointingly anticlimactic Smaug…
Skynet. This is where Skynet will evolve. The AIs are experimenting with us right now…
Cue Retcon Vader "NOOOOOOOOO"