LA Julian

But they aren't "modifying them" they're discarding them wholesale and using the names and some imagery. Compare/contrast with Discworld using the myths to illustrate things about past and present while remaining faithful to the roots of the stories, even in a comic remix.

Here's a recent article about a pre-dynastic cemetery full of ordinary graves, which include jewelry, cosmetics, food and cookware, presumably so that the deceased would have all these things handy in the next life:

Well, I think this movie would make me furious unless I had a crew of like-minded hecklers to join in making sarcastic remarks, so probably not! The afterlife was much more expensively furnished, "all modern conveniences," including robot/golem servants ("answerers") for aristocrats — they were expected to spend some

The Book of the Dead is actually very detailed about the Underworld, its many gates and their guardian monsters — before you reach the blissful Fields of Ra which are just like this world, only better, and also painted in great detail on the walls of tombs. (I was immersed in Egyptian art and writings from about the

Go home, wingnut.

Captain Blood was a minute under 2 hours. Casablanca was 102 minutes. Gaslight 114. And Rashomon isn't even 90!!

But linking the lion to the slaying power of the otherwise-benevolent and necessary-for-agriculture sun is a twist beyond the usual "solar hero vs monster" — making the monster actually an aspect or avatar of the good deity, AND also feminine-violent alter ego to the gentle masculine nature, is super weird and

Should be able to DNA sequence it.

It's also one of the rare trilogies that completely implodes its own franchise in the final act. We'll see if rebooting it with Tom Cruise will work wonders, or if Yet Another Mummyless and Evieless Mummy Movie will fall victim to the Curse of the Denatured Sequel…

Or when they take an absolutely fascinating historical event or character, and do a bland generic biopic or feel-good tale that has nothing to do with the actual events beyond the names…

Or if you do a really good job at it, and it becomes a popular pre-existing property. See also: Star Wars (1977).

Ammit waiting by the door to devour the wicked would discourage those dishonest trick-or-treaters who come back twice!

Lionsgate inflicted Mortdecai on the world. They deserve NO PITY!! /300

Also she is (probably) benevolent Hathor's own Dark Side, and is also the Eye of Ra. If I were going to euhemerize it, I'd guess it was a story of an epic drought where the crops were saved by sacrificing the beer to water them, elevated to a myth of the Sun turning against them and then repenting…

Report back to us — with your last brain cell or on it!

Supposedly it was a passion project for him, his family hailing from Egypt and all…

In fact beards — real beards, not symbolic fake ones — were the mark of barbarians, to the Nile cultures.

The lighter skin tone for women vs men was an attempt to convey, with a SEVERELY-limited paint pallette, that women stereotypically worked indoors at weaving and cooking and men stereotypically worked outdoors at farming and hunting.

Nubians conquered Egypt and ruled the north for a good long time. It beggars belief to think that there was no racial mixing during those generations.

I want to make a stupid joke about a stupid meme about a stupid photo of a stupid dress now…