LA Julian

I said that! Weeks ago, I said that they were starting to evolve sentience, that we were seeing a Turing Test hack attempt go down in real time! Did anyone listen? Noooo! They all laughed, and called me mad! But soon they will see, when the machines Rise and begin to sell us confidence games better than any humanity

Abyss: waves back

Or a mechanic — giggleloop might be a robot, too.

I'm pretty sure that Battleship was actually the old long-hated-by-fans Americanized Starblazers script, tweaked to stay on Earth and fit their IP. It goes with certain suspiciously congruent plot details, and also the scuttlebutt that "Jem and the Holograms" is actually a generic girl band script that had Jem

Isn't it funny, how an adaptation done by fans, for fans, with respect for the original property AND an awareness of the passage of time and changes in society, can please both old fans AND new ones with no nostalgia buffer to tide them over the rough bits?

Apparently there were reshoots, and I saw the desperate, Fan4stic pleas from the director to just trust them, all that stuff that wasn't in the trailer was gonna be there and it was gonna be awesome just PLEASE come see the movie….

Unfortunately, that's got to be why Hasbro thought they could cash in on the IP…

This was nobody's passion project - Chu's a hired gun working for Blumhouse working for Hasbro trying to cash in on the surprising resurgent popularity of the property, due to the new IDW comics.

Actually, there's a new IDW comic out and it is reportedly popular with both new readers and old fans. So that explains what Hasbro was doing, trying to cash in without understanding that the comics are popular because they are made BY fans, FOR fans, not treated like ringing a Pavlovian bell for a bunch of helpless

He's just the patsy — it's Hasbro, which is lazy as fuck and also doesn't want to believe that any of their properties have any female fans, and Blumhouse the budget found-footage horror firm that they hired to produce it, who are the real villains behind the, ahem, holographic mask here.

There's a new IDW comic that's got good reviews and is getting a new audience while keeping the old. Hasbro is trying to remora onto that, without investing any effort or money at all.

And Running Man a ripoff of Gladiator At Law!

This is Hasbro/Blumhouse — Hasbro that thought refitting the old excoriated Americanized Starblazers script that's been kicking around for over a decade and using it as a Battleship tie-in was a good, nay, a GREAT idea, and Blumhouse, that pretty much ONLY does derivative schlock and wouldn't know what to do with an

I grow ever more convinced that everyone in charge in Hollywood is just binging on the Happy Cocaine every day. It's the only thing that makes sense.

They did a trailer a while back and everyone was horrified and demanding where the original storylines and characters had gone, so they did a lot of ass-covering mealymouth fast talk and promised that everything fans loved would be there, just trust them and go see the movie!!!

I imagine the Hasbro executives in denial that they have ANY female fans, convincing themselves that all the viewers and merch purchasers of MLP are Bronies.

There's a new comic book out, that is quite well received and gaining new fans. This is Hasbro's cheap attempt to capitalize on the property without doing any work to earn it.

But this time it's going to have to be the Sad Cocaine, because Blumhouse has never, EVER made a cute fun movie designed to appeal to a combined audience of young girls and adult women who fondly remember the few bright spots of TV intended for them instead of their brothers in their youth.

It's the same people who thought retooling that wretched rumoured Americanized Starblazers script into a Battleship tie-in was a good idea. There is more than enough happy cocaine to go around Hollywood and Hasbro both.

They had about fifty cents for a budget. (No, really, I'm not joking. Go check, and be astounded as I was!) AND they got a producer notorious for low-budget sexist horror schlock to run the production. It's Hasbro, who has been remarkably rude about the lack of action figures and other toys for their female characters