LA Julian

I can't stand most video reviews and podcasts — I just want to get to the jokes and bon mots and mots justes as fast as possible! Seeing a chain of puns in a line all building on each other in a comment thread just makes me smile no matter how bad the day…

"Someday, if we just believe hard enough, turkeys WILL fly!"

They're trying to rip off TV shows — Once Upon A Time has been a steady success, there was also Grimm, and Game of Thrones is pretty much a mashup of mediaeval European history and fairy tales of the old bloody sort, so Hollywood being the original taste-leaders that they are, are trying to figure out some way to make

She got sucked into the same dimension as the Red Skull via misoperated Tesseract, so I'm sure the Revolving Door of Superhero Movie Death is available to her, too.

Zefram Cochrane was such a classic character! He could have stepped right out of the pages of a short story by Heinlein, Bradbury or Lafferty…I loved his panicked expression when Geordi was telling him about the schools named after him and the statues of him, in the future.

Even though I disagree with your taste, I approve your honesty & encourage it w upvote.

A modern-day Robin Hood who only robs BoA!

Then maybe you're the target market for this movie; almost 1/4 of critics have liked it, after all.

Ships are people too—why else have they always been called "she" in a language that hasn't had gendered nouns for over a thousand years? This is as messed up as someone's face being on backwards while they walk backwards.

That is not dead which can eternal lie dance…

"I'm sorry, Bob, but we have Standards…"

Clash of the Titans has a bunch of RSC greats AND Harryhausen at his myth-remixing best — no need to apologize, it still holds up as a charming romp (& the princess is surprisingly strong for being THE archetype of "damsel chained for the dragon" in Western fantasy.) Good score, too.

I just thought of something else—if they were REALLY worried about offending Bible Belt viewers, they wouldn't have made Peter a literal messiah, called that exact word, with a mother named Mary who was impregnated by a glowing, flying non-human spirit!

But they weren't even real rules, any mire than mistaken views about origeny pre-continental drift conceptualization, and yes, he DID insist that they were the only right way to tell universally-meaningful stories, because he never dreamed the dream that there are an infinite number of ways of making tribal lays — and

Very much proscriptive. Same problems as Graves' White Goddess and Jung's pinned-butterflies of heraldic symbolism — they were all convinced as educated white dudes that they understood everything bettter than anyone else COULD and made themselves out to be incarnations of Thoth, defining reality with their writing.

The same way most film critic conversations drifted into mythic tropes back then? It was very obviously a case of, Oh, the cultural types have embraced Star Wars and are talking about it in the same mythopoeic framework as Narnia and Middle-earth instead of Flash Gordon and other space shoot-em-ups, or even the

Also a hearty FU to George Lucas, who teamed up with Campbell in the early Eighties to legitimize and confer ponderous Artistic Significance and Depth upon his long-delayed sequel, of notoriously troubled production, to a light-hearted science fiction film in the tradition of Flash Gordon that nonetheless had been

Oh, Campbell deserves his fair share of fuck-yous, for his overall Jungian reductionism AND his male chauvinism that insists female characters should be limited to muses and precious objects/vessels symbolizing Life for the Heroes to win or lose. I would have flung it against a wall when I first read it, except it was

I see this is now part of the Zeitgeist!

I'm waiting for interviewers to ask him and his Hot Wife Tee Em, "So, what are you going to do for an encore now that your last two movies have cratered so hard, paleontologists are still finding dinosaur bones underneath? Do you think even Blumhouse will continue to support you in your hobby? Will you keep making