Laird Popkin

Not sure what we expect for a basic data entry job. These are not programming positions involving years of university education. It’s literally supplying knowledge to the AI which any grown adult already knows.

Ummm roads are really fast. Have you never driven in a car on the highway? An interstate is really fast. Usually like 60-70mph. Why? Because there aren’t pedestrains, stop lights, stop signs, 4 way stops, cross streets, dogs, busses stopped in the lane, ubers stopped to pick people up, etc etc etc etc...

I don’t think there have been any actual legislative ICE bans. Newsom in CA signed an order, but that doesn’t really bind anyone past his term in office. (It doesn’t even bind him, except to the point of him looking bad if he reneged on it)

This is very true and does beg the question of who defines the morality? does Tesla need to set the morality based on the region or is it something the user defines?

It is, partially, it also is a good way to save on costs and lock buyers into paying them long after the car is purchased.

While EVs are steadily flooding the market, high prices are preventing them from going mainstream”

You guys. I wasn’t there, but I’m fairly certain the development process these people used was NOT 1) get idea, 2) draw it up on napkin, 3) immediately build idea from napkin plans without running numbers and doing extensive research (because conveniently the investors also don’t need to see this information).

It may

The theme song is sooooooooooooo bad to the point where I wish Netflix had a title sequence skip feature for shows with cold openings like they do for shows without cold openings.

"...a Battery Backup Ring... and an External Storage Ring... and a Secondary Display Ring... and a Keyboard Ring... and a Mouse Ring... and a"

It is difficult to answer that question clearly. I would say yes AND no. We have excellent technical innovation still, look no further than the F22 raptor. However, we have let rampant bearaucracy degrade our R&D. If the F22 was developed in the 1960's for instance, we would have had all the bugs worked out of it by

Competence? Well considering you're on the internet, possibly on a computer (with chips designed in the US) or maybe an iPhone (I have to say it?) or Android or Windows phone, possibly with a satellite internet connection, or on broadband, or....

Dear authors: Here's how you repair the computer engineer story. I won't use big words unless I really need to, k?


Certainly. I'm not saying bot-generated articles should be left as-is, just that it's a very helpful stepping stone to a better, human-generated article. A lot of man-made articles start as placeholder stubs anyway; might as well have a bot do that and fill in the rest yourself later on.

Because one of them is also on your wrist! Smartwatches only save you like 3 or 4 seconds on every notification, but that adds up. Also if you are clumsy that's fewer opportunities to drop your phone on the sidewalk.