Laird Popkin

Tesla committed _years_ ago to opening up the Supercharger network to other vehicles. In Europe they’ve been doing it for quite a while, since in Europe there’s a common charging standard (CCS2) so interopability is easy. In the US Tesla committed in contracts to make new superchargers support CCS1 as a part of the

The carbon credits aren’t a subsidy to Tesla, they’re a penalty on carbon-generating companies, and a market whereby companies that don’t limit carbon generation are buying credits from companies like Tesla that generate carbon much lower than the allowed limits in order to avoid the penalties - there’s no government

She benefitted from people loving her work. If you look at the Harry Potter Alliance, the leading HP fan group for 15 years, they were strongly committed to encouraging reading, and tolerance and inclusion, including gender equality, for many, many years, a part of why her books were so popular with young adult

It’s not true that radars “couldn’t see” balloons, they were configured to ignore them because balloons are both incredibly common and very low military risk, so it’s a completely waste of money to attack them. There are about 2,000 weather balloons a day launched, they cost around $150, and they drift all over the

Yes, I can see why the consultants who work for legacy automakers putting out a propaganda piece promoting their clients’ agenda, since they’ve been doing it for a few years now. But it’s embarrassing that Jalopnik would just promote it uncritically, given that this consultancy’s previous report, when parroted

Except of course that he is wrong. If you have an EV, you pick a plan that’s discounted off-peak. PG&E specifically has a plan that’s 24 cents/kWh overnight.

EVs have been cheaper than gas cars, total cost of ownership, for several years now. That’s why fleet owners, who are numbers-driven, have been going electric as fast as they can. Typically EVs cost 10% more than equivalent gas cars, then cost half as much to fuel and maintain, saving far more than the slightly higher

They picked the worst possible plan in order to fake up an argument that EVs are expensive. PG&E has an EV plan that’s 24 cents/kWh off-peak, specifically to make EV charging cheap, and that’s what you’d use if you had an EV and PG&E, not whatever insane plan he is on now.

The national average cost of electricity is about 15 cents/kWh. With PG&E, if you have an EV you’d want to use their EV rate plan, which is 24 cents/kWh off-peak, and of course you’d configure your EV to charge off-peak. At that rate the EV costs less than gas unless gas drops to under $2.14/gallon, and of course if

Yep. And of course you don’t need to buy an EV charger, you can just plug into a standard 120v outlet and charge for daily driving, zero added cost.

It’s also pretty sketchy that they make up an imaginary ‘cost’ for driving to a high speed charger for EVs, but they don’t include the quite real savings of charging in

This seems dubious, like they’re cherry picking to try to desired conclusion. For example, they count the distance to drive to get to a high speed charger as a ‘cost’ but they don’t count the ‘savings’ of charging 95% of the time in your own driveway, eliminating the vast majority of ‘trips to the gas station’.


Except of course, that total lifetime cost of an EV is much lower than for a comparable gas car. About 10% more to purchase, on average, but then 75% lower cost per mile to drive, and 50% lower maintenance cost per year, on average. What that means is that your monthly car payment is a bit higher, but fuel and

Perhaps watch the video, or at least read the article, before posting flaming nonsense. The youtuber was in the car, monitoring it and in control, drove slowly towards the kid, and the car stopped at a safe distance, and if it hadn’t the youtuber was ready to stop the car. The car was never “uncontrolled”, and the kid

Famously one man lives in the lounge for free for a year (or longer?) by booking an international flight, then pushing it back a day every day. Certainly not a normal thing, but an amusing edge case.

For me, I can’t imagine often wanting to stay that long in an airport lounge just for money - the food options are

Starbucks’ policy is to happily let people stay as long as they like. Usually people who stay a while buy coffee, snacks, etc., so they aren’t overstaying their welcome, but Starbucks’ formal policy is that anyone can stay as long as they like. Unless you’re rude or disruptive, of course - their goal is for everyone

Hyperloop’s acceleration is the same as an airliner, 0.1 to 0.3 Gs. And since the tunnel doesn’t have intersections or unnecessary curves, the G-forces during the trip should be minimal.

I have long been a fan of e-Ink, but i’m not sure that a laptop is a great use case. e-Ink is perfect when you need a display that stays (static) while there’s zero power, such as the e-Ink price tags on shelves that digitally update prices when products are repriced, then shut off with the price displayed, so a tiny

Right, two L2 chargers would basically be an extremely slow L3 charger. Given that you can run a vastly faster charge through a single L3 cable, there’s not much point in making charging more complex and expensive (plugging in two cables) just to be far worse than a single-cable L3 charger.

Plugging in multiple L3