Laird Popkin

Exactly! The vendor’s incentive is to cheat to maximize profits. The customer should never trust vendors at all, they should do independent testing to protect themselves. And whenever a vendor cheats, they should be massively penalized, replacing everything defective plus a huge penalty, so that vendors are so afraid

Try mapping routes in , and flip between Tesla and non-Tesla cars in settings. I find that road trips in a Tesla are a delight, while non-Teslas are highly stressful because their networks are less reliable.

That’s true for non-Tesla EVs, since they’re dependent on unreliable charge networks. Road trips in a Tesla are highly consistent, because their network is highly reliable.

Having driven both, I’d say that’s the case for non-Tesla EVs. The non-Tesla EV charge networks are a bad experience. But Tesla’s charge network is a delight, which may well be a large part of why Teslas are outselling all other EVs by a wide margin. It doesn’t matter how great a car the Mach-e is, for example, if

Well, they viewed it as a money grab, not as a way to provide service to drivers. So they deployed hardware, but it’s not properly monitored or maintained. Same mindset that led car companies to make horrible EV “compliance cars” instead of doing what Tesla did, which is to make excellent cars that people are excited

From my experience in Tesla and BMW EVs, Tesla cars know where the chargers are, know that the chargers are working (or not), and the car’s state of charge, so they automatically route you to chargers that are properly working to optimize travel time with no problems. In contrast, non-Tesla cars tend to depend on a

The average daily drive is 37 miles, but of course people _also_ go for occasional road trips. So unless you want a car only for commuting and use another car for road trips, this is important.

There are more high speed EV chargers where there’s more demand for them - so they’re along highways and they’re in higher density areas. Compound onto that Tesla’s high speed charger network is much more built out than the non-Tesla high-speed charger networks, and this article was only about non-Tesla charging. An

A typical high speed charge stop is 15-20 minutes, then you’re charged for another 200+ miles. Since you don’t need to stay with the car (i.e. pumping gas), you can use the time to go to the bathroom, grab a bite or drink, etc., then drive a few more hours. The result is that the speed of an EV road trip is about the

CCS doesn’t lock to the car that I’ve seen, same as J1772 (Level 2) cables. Which is a problem - someone can come by and unplug your car. I like how Teslas lock the cable to the car, under the car’s control.

It’s certainly nicer when you have a driveway. But running a cord from your house to your car isn’t being an “asshole neighbor” - it’s pretty normal. They put plugs on the outside of houses. And if you want to charge at a station, a typical charge time on a high speed charger is 15-20 minutes.

Right now an EV costs about $10k more, but you save much more than that in fuel and maintenance over the car’s lifetime, so it’s a net savings for people who look at total lifetime cost.

EV prices have been dropping every year, since battery prices keep falling due to optimized manufacturing and battery chemistry, and

We do road trips in our EV frequently, and it’s just fine. There’s a real difference between Tesla (long range battery, great charge network) and non-Tesla (often much shorter range, unreliable charge network). When you can 100% count on chargers delivering a recharge in 15-20 minutes then drive another 200+ miles,

To clarify, the closer a battery is to 100% the slower it charges, not because you’re throttled, but because the less voltage delta there is because the battery’s voltage is higher, so the slower the current flows.

No, it’s crappy maintenance. When a charger is broken, the companies make less money. As to the economics of slow chargers, while they’ll always piss off customers who then want to go elsewhere, some chargers charge per kWh delivered in which case slow costs them money, and some charge per minute in which case slow

Wireless charging is 94% efficient. Wired chargers are 88-95% efficient. So wireless charging is more efficient than most wired charging, not less.

The insurer would point out that with driver assist systems, including Autopilot and FSD Beta, as well as many other driver assist systems from many manufacturers, the driver is responsible for driving the car. There are numerous cases of idiots crashing many different cars with “collision avoidance” systems, for

Software release notes generally just list major changes that drivers have to know about - there are always lots of minor issues that aren’t in the release notes. In fact, something like half the release notes (for many developers, not just Tesla) are just a generic “bug fixes and feature enhancements” note.

Cars on the road from most manufacturers are running different versions of software depending on when they were manufactured. Tesla does of course do testing before they release software. The big difference is that Tesla updates software in the field, so a car from 2018 isn’t stuck with the software (and bugs, etc.)