Laird Popkin

Keep in mind that Apple’s current M1s are great for power users, just not gamers. For video production, for example, people are replacing $10k monster rigs with tons of cores and multiple graphics cards with $700 Mac Minis that outperform them for video processing, because the M1 is better than Intel + NVidia for

Apple’s low-end is faster than Intel’s laptop CPUs - the M1 outperforms (for most tasks) the 8 core i9 I have my on my current laptop, which cost $3k, and it does it for ⅓rd the cost. And they don’t run hot - even the units with fans hardly ever spin them up, and when they do the RPMs are so low you can’t hear them,

It’s a legit position. Nobody wants to hurt the people of Georgia, they want to convince the legislature that this decision is terrible for Georgia. There are people on both sides of the ‘boycot’ issue who are highly credible and want to support voter rights - they just disagree about tactics. Stacey Abrams, who is

99% of road damage is caused by freight trucks, almost all from trucks illegally driving over-weight. Consumers shouldn’t have to pay anything because they’re not causing the costs. . Thus the question of how to measure mileage driven by

No, consumer vehicles do near-zero road damage. Virtually all road damage is large freight trucks, mainly with illegal over-limit freight. .

If we want to actually cover the costs, we should shift the payments to align with costs.

Exactly - they don’t need to know precise position, just miles driven, which is measured by the odometer.

Note that if the goal is to pay for instructure based on the cost incurred by the vehicles, then almost 100% of the cost should be covered by 18-wheelers, 75% by drivers illegally driving over the legal weight, as

This is great news. The Proud Boys aren’t just a political group, they crossed the line into actively working to overthrow the elected government of the US, using violence to inspire terror in order to achieve a political goal. That’s literally the definition of terrorism.

Don’t forget that it doesn’t cost Disney more for people to come to Disney more. Not only do rides cost the same to operate either empty or full, but those people buy food, drink, and collectibles! That’s why the annual pass is brilliant - Disney more than makes up for any theoretical loss on additional business in

That’s not what digital vs analog joysticks means. Digital joysticks are ones that only know if a direction is pressed or not (e.g. up/down/left/right/center, sometimes diagonals) with switches that are triggered in each direction that are either on or off. Think for example of Pac Man, where you’re either still or

Right, he didn’t “fault” them for it, he just pointed out that it’s a digital stick, for digital games (like arcade/fight games), and not for games designed for analog inputs.

Keep in mind that a vaccine isn’t going to help Disney keep safe for a _long_ time. The vaccines are grown, not manufactured, and it could take a year or two to ramp up production to where everyone can get a shot. For obvious medical reasons, the first people getting vaccinated are healthcare workers who work directly

$99 to be a registered developer isn’t “tons of cash”. And you don’t need to sign apps... you can write and distribute your own apps without paying the $99 - that’s the cost for getting Apple developer support and the ability to publish to the App Store.

The point is that the data shows near equal numbers of male and female hunters, so the archeologists were projecting their sexist assumptions onto their interpretation of the data.

Bluetooth security is ‘physical layer’. The implication is that Thread is application layer security, which isn’t dependent on physical layer security. Same as how a web site can use TLS/SSL to be secure, running over insecure physical layers (WiFi, ethernet, the internet, etc.).

Mac OS X has _always_ run on multiple CPUs, from back when it was NeXTSTEP, which ran on x86, SPARC, HP PA RISC, 680x0, then Apple added PowerPC and now of course ARM (AKA iOS, which is the same OS, with a trimmed down GUI layer). And apps have always transparently compiled to all selected CPUs, and the OS

Trump tweets random things all the time. Picking one tweet as if it means anything, and ignoring what Trump’s administration has been actually doing, seems absurd.

It’s not “militarizing space” - it’s slightly renaming the “Air Force Space Command” that’s been around since 1982.

it’s just rebranding the “Air Force Space Command”. Aside from a new logo and uniforms, it sure looks like the same people doing the same thing they’ve been doing since 1982, just renamed so that Trump can look like he’s done something.

Everyone doing voice recognition does something like this, for the same reason - they need tons of voice samples from a wide variety of people, listened to by people in order to generate training data to make their voice recognition work on a wide range of people using a wide range of vocabulary and phrasing.

Nintendo’s strength has always been cheap family fun, making machines that sold based on fun games at a reasonable price, rather than the best specs. So the black-and-white cheap little GameBoy dominated while the much more expensive, color Atari Lynx faded out, the NES/SNES sold while the 3Do didn’t, etc. The Switch