Laird Popkin

What does "consoles may go the way of the dinoaurs" have to do with digital downloads? All of the consoles support digital downloads, and have for years, so they're already leading the transition from physical media to digital downloads.

Actually, I think the ads are pretty good - they're just not targeting Gizmodo readers. It's smart of Apple to focus on the free Genius support, because they're the only company with a global staff of support people available for free, which is a particularly good contrast because most PC companies are stripping their

Was it 'espionage' or was it 'subcontracting'. I recall reading of at least one case where a defense contractor sub-contracted the manufacturing of a Top Secret military component to a Chinese company, meaning that they actually sent the designs to them, then made sure that they knew how to manufacture it, all to

RTFA. They're not letting people with unlimited 3G data plans upgrade to unlimited LTE data. But they can stay on 3G and still have unlimited data, just as they do now. Yes, this sucks, because upgrading to faster data, but severely capped, is a terrible deal. But they're not taking away what you have now - they're

The Social Security is fine - it's fully funded for decades, and after that it's only a few percent low, so it only needs minor adjustments, either cutting the benefits slightly or raising the income cap a bit.

Yes. Che,ci out the Open Voting Consortium! [] They have produced av open source voting system, and are working to get it certified.

I don't see how you can call Gatekeeper "Apple tries so hard to screw them around all the time". What Gatekeeper does is protect users from badly-behaved applications, by making sure that they have the explicitly be given permission before they can do things that could affect other applications or the core OS. That's

Your "facts" are all wrong wrong. The iPhone 4 works fine as a phone - the "antennagate" was a minor quirk that got overblown by analysts, but which (in surveys) didn't actually affect the vast majority of iPhone users. And AT&T's "unlimited data" plan is unlimited - it doesn't have a cap, and if there were one I'd

While I wouldn't want to defend Bachmann, I think that she was saying that the 10% was a "myth that was disproved", not that the Kinsey Report was a myth. And arguably there's been some debate about whether the right number is 10%, 7%, 5%, etc., depending on how broad or narrow your definition of "gay" is. For

Yeah, once you're outside the US and UK, sex is considered a normal part of life. Weird, huh.

Not every product revision is a wholesale redesign. With Apple, they alternate between internal updates and complete redesigns, because it doesn't make sense to freeze the hardware for years at a time, when they could be upgrading the electronics (CPU, RAM, camera, etc.) during the overall life of the product.

Siri has been available as an iPhone app for years - I installed it the day Siri launched, before Apple bought them, and it's worked fine for me on an iPhone 3G, 3GS, and 4.

You're exactly right - Siri isn't really about voice recognition, it's about the "AI" integrating voice control into web services and user data.

Some of you are missing the point of what's new about Siri. It's not that it's voice control - that's been widely available since Apple included it in Mac OS in 1993 (and before that in research and niche products, and since that in products from Nuance and others, and as a feature of Vista).

Why the anger? If they decide to invest in making schools pleasant to be in (there are tons of photo's in the linked article), that's not a bad thing. Keep in mind that there's actually plenty of money around - corporate profits are at record levels - there's only a shortage of money for education in the US because

Keep in mind that most religious people, and most churches see no conflict between science and religion. The only people that think that when there's a conflict between observed facts and their religion are a fairly small number of fanatical yahoos, who unfortunately have spent several decades taking over the

I recently bought the Synology DS411j, which is basically the same as the one reviewed but with four drives, where RAID makes sense - 2 drive RAID is either no data protection or is mirroring, halving storage capacity. The Synology is great - it pretty much does everything that my previous server did, on 1/10th the

This is disappointing. By the spec's this looks like a fantastic device. How does the screen really compare to the 3DS? I'm guessing that they're using the same screen technology (which, presumably, both companies buy from the same supplier, since they're screens with the same specs hitting the market at the same

This is cool, but it's from a Wired article published in 2008: [] What makes it news now? If someone had just printed one on a MakerBot, and released the design on ThingiVerse, THAT would be cool.