Lain Kenna

Troll is now the new "heathen"

True, we should do something to remove those CANCEROUS urges.
Maybe electroshock therapy? How about gene-manipulation.

We're just going to breeze over this part

We are afraid because fear is a natural instinct designed for self-preservation. The fact that the human psyche revolves exclusively around preservation of humanity as a species is really not even up for debate. Everything you do, is solely for your own benefit; because it helps farther your survival which thus forth

Why is rape the subject of fantasy:

I guess that's why the article was about the fact that what she did was wrong. It was just being reverse-facetious. By pretending to be in favor of the Depp's but saying shit that was clearly NEGATIVE about them.

I know, how dare they expect the company that they helped solidifies status in the industry be equally loyal to them. They're real pieces of work, everyone knows companies job is to shit on you for money.