That ending! It’s so easy to supply the words: “Mama, I fell down! I fell down!” “Well, I told you not to chase the birds.” Toddlers. They’re all the same.
That ending! It’s so easy to supply the words: “Mama, I fell down! I fell down!” “Well, I told you not to chase the birds.” Toddlers. They’re all the same.
Sid Caesar?
Oh please! Please! Please! Please! And I cannot fucking wait to see the expression on little Miss I Don’t Care’s face when she ends up back behind the Iron Curtain. Put up your blood clot trees now ahahahahaha.
I was surprised to find out that Wallis is buried in a royal cemetery and almost the entire royal family attended her funeral. They also put the title the Duchess of Windsor on her headstone, which is also surprising. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t want to live next door to my family either. If I had a family member…
Plus the ghost of Princess Margaret demanding another drink and singing show tunes off-key all night.
and Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII are buried on the grounds of the Frogmore estate
tip off was the 23 minute jam session during the communion hymn. , they multiplied 2 bars of phish to groove the entire congregation.
No surprise. The Cruz family has a longstanding interest in moving on from shootings in Dallas.
We see a lot of deals around the web over on Kinja Deals, but these were our ten favorites today.
If you know you have to lie about your mission by omitting medical facts and information because you know if you told the truth about your “service” and your mission you just might not able to persuade as many women to listen to you, then your mission is fucked up and you’re a fraud of an organization.
Offhand, I think it says more about the holiness of their mission than they care to admit when the truth excessively burdens them rather than sets them free.
As another perpetual single this is something that I’m dying to know as well.
Perpetual single here - if this is a real story, what exactly does this relationship bring that would make you put up with even 10% of this?