Zoe won the genetic lottery.
Zoe won the genetic lottery.
Omarosa is slow on the uptake.
I live in Columbus. Last year a guy who was tailigating me got mad at me for slowing down, so he followed me when I turned into the street that leads to my neighborhood. I pulled into a parking lot, thinking I’d let him pass and then drive home. He followed me into the parking lot. So I pulled out, went back to the…
Except that you probably shouldn’t just ignore salmonella. :-)
Some of those women “collaborators” were victims of sexual abuse/coercion by Nazis. And when that nightmare was over, their neighbors attacked them. I understand the sentiment behind attacking collaborators, but it doesn’t excuse re-victimizing those women.
I believe in corporate-speak “value realization” refers to making sure that the potential benefits of a project or effort are actually “realized,” IOW that the $$ and time invested in them provides a reasonable return. That said, dude’s a racist ass.
A crime? Okay, cite the law it violates.
Yes, abduction by family members is far more common than abduction by strangers. But the first milk carton kid was Etan Patz, and he was not taken by family members.
A far more infamous moment than the covering the fireplace. The wooden cover was portable/removable, for pete’s sake. And then there was the time they found some candlesticks in the basement and painted them green — they turned out to be from the couple’s wedding, and the woman was very attached to them, and she HATED…
The First Amendment does not apply to The Atlantic.
Don’t forget the blue spot in Athens County (Ohio University).
They look bigger than preschoolers to me. Do you have some actual information about how old they are?
The “jealous Barbie” thing had me thinking jealousy. The picture confirmed it.
“Jamaican Barbie” — does that sound like jealousy to anyone else?
If it’s figurative, what’s the problem?
I think the sex tape featured his BIL and a prostitute, and Daddy Kushner sent it to his own sister. Not that that’s any better.
The lottery winning is out, just like Dan’s death.
And his going to beat the guy up was never depicted as a bad thing, really. He got busted (because a neighbor called, not the BF), but even the cops acted like it no big deal.
They’re not rich in the reboot, FTR.
Nobody is playing Mark. IDK how they explain his absence, but one of Darlene’s kids is named after him.