
Yeah, part of me wanted to say “what the fuck are these stupid things!” but then I remembered I have a thrust bearing sitting on my desk and I fidget with it all the time. Hello pot, meet kettle.

Yeah, part of me wanted to say “what the fuck are these stupid things!” but then I remembered I have a thrust

Do you not consume any products that contribute to landfill waste? What difference is this vs. a half dozen Starbucks cups, or the bag your chips come in?

Do you not consume any products that contribute to landfill waste? What difference is this vs. a half dozen

The basic idea is to create an environment that fosters the development of people’s talents and widens the scene to more people. Right now, CSGO is a heavily male-dominated thing. That makes it awkward/intimidating for women to just jump in. You immediately become the odd person out, not to mention one of the sole

For several years, now, my cousin has been seriously involved in Ultimate Frisbee. Not only is the sport really fun, it is one of the rare sports out there were the main league has men and women compete together (there are also gender specific leagues, but I understand that they are very minor in comparison). I think

This is why Congress critters had much larger staffs pre-Clinton era. Those staffers would spend the days poring over the bills and summing them up for the Reps who lacked policy expertise in some areas. Then Gingrich came along and axed a lot of that in order to force more ill-informed votes and make them rely on

Any man who speaks about abortion should have to provide at least 5 referral letters from real women who he has spent more than 20 minutes with and at least one romantic partner. Also they need to be able to point out he essential parts of lady anatomy otherwise SHUT UP

Maybe they sang it because they know those republicans just signed their pink slips. There’s no getting re elected after this.

I’ve never used DaisyDisk, but it seems like Grand Perspective does the same thing for free.

Jesus, we live in a dark world.

I know a guy who had to move from Kiev to South Korea for work. He didn’t trust any airlines to keep his dog alive for the 15+ hour-long flight, so instead of risking it or leaving his dog behind, he sold most of his stuff, mailed what little he had left to his new workplace, packed a bag full with dog supplies,

Look, I’m not going to say who’s right and who’s wrong in this ordeal. But smuggling meth over country borders is not the stereotypical characteristics of a typical immature and bad judgment teenager.

Isn’t asking people to take sips of liquids they’re bringing across security lines customary to prove they’re not dangerous? I seem to recall the TSA doing this to a lady who brought bottled breastmilk on a plane. It’s a weird policy but not necessarily a malicious act.

This headline is fucking bullshit. He wasn’t forced. He didn’t “chug.” He was a drug smuggler and got caught, then took “sips”, not chugs, all on his own.

Do I have to test this now? I do, don’t I.

ok i’ll buy into this, but they still attract bears while on their period right?

I never understood why people hate the idea of bullet trains so much when their main purpose would be to compete with airlines.

I kinda like:

You’re giving an awful lot of benefit of the doubt to a company who thinks knocking a man unconscious is a good business decision.

Thank you.

I don’t believe this article is encouraging anything other than helping people who’s lives have been overturned by war that a vast majority of them wanted nothing to do with.