
As far as the Amazon card is concerned, it's pretty good for both and restaurant purchases. For the rest I get better cash-back on my Amex Blue Cash.

Wow, and that opt-ed on Forbes is truly credible?

It's interesting to note that early coal and gas production was also heavily subsidized (and made losses at first too). Also interesting that they are still being subsidized now even though the production is very profitable. Electric car production, and battery technology in particular is worthy of subsidization by

I love this site, and it's my preference to register and renew my domains as well. I'm also a paid/premium member since I both want to support them and get such value for my money. Can't stress it enough how no-nonsense and user-focused this guy is.

What about parental control options for minors. In my mind I like the Roku or ChromeCast for my viewing of media, but for my young one, having something like Kindle FreeTime (by Amazon) seems to be a much better solution to at least shield (and CONTROL!) them better.

Now if only Synology NAS could do directory-level quotas... without creating shares.

The (time machine and Time Backup) backups are versioned. They delete older backups in accordance with a plan and available free space. If left alone it will grow to occupy most of your available space.

I can use Amazon kindle books and instant video and music (ecosystem) on any device (OS). The same for Google music, YouTube and Google Books. The ecosystem is the ancillary services. Apple however limits one to iOS only. iBooks for instance is stranded on Apple devices.

Nice summary, yet I find it is becoming less and less important which OS I use, but rather which ecosystem I buy into. I love Apple hardware, but have been using Android (Nexus) exclusively for mobile phones and tables just because Apple is so pedantic about lock-in.

ScotchGuard it? I've heard that this makes it last way longer...

Google really dropped the ball on this, considering they are really pushing this, that list on their web site and App Store are pitiful.

I would prefer there just being a simple list someplace... would be easier.

I honestly think the results of this poll is both correct and expected.

I may start using them again once they support ChromeCast, but until then the 2 day delivery (and Kindle Lending) is not enough for me.

I received one of these with my new Simple bank account. I used it for about 2 weeks and after the close calls of my wallet falling out of my pocket twice (and thankfully being found again) I decided it might be a good idea to go back to a bulky wallet.


I found that non-Airport routers had problems with my Bonjour-enabled printer/scanner. It's all rock-solid on my Airport... currently I am using it as you are, except I'm using the DLink DIR-825 (DD-WRT) as my router/gateway.

Ditto, I've had a Linksys WRT54G, TrendNet, Dlink DIR-825 (running both stock and DD-WRT) and the Airport Extreme.