
If only it worked on Mac... (or any other platform).

I've (almost) owned both those. At the same time too... I've had a '84 911 SC and a BMW 3.0S. I would have loved to have the BMW 2002 rather, but none was available to me.

Yup, fingerprints are definitely more secured[sic]. Been proven. The face recognition of Android is a gimmick by comparison. (Why else would they disable it when you import your own certificates?)

Thanks for posting what I was thinking...

Not to be confused with the 81/19 rule (very similar).

I just can't get past that term in the article. Each time I get to it, I close the tab.

Is ding-dong a serious term?

I'm on a $30/month prepaid, yet the "calculator" gives me a minimum of $70/month with the pleasure of being locked-in for 2 years.

The eye fi card can delete photos... So not impossible...

As far as I know the core IMDB is still available for download.

I want the one that looks like the Terminator, although the Texan flag one is pretty cool too.

I have custom certificates installed on my Android Phone. The downside of this is it requires me to have a lock on my phone... I am unable to remove that lock until I delete the certificate. Kinda stupid.

"as much junk *and* iTunes" ?


Yep, we're considering banning electronics until our daughter is older.

It is the small pittance your parents paid you to be able to more easily tell you "No." when you ask them for anything else.

Or ... At any LCD display.

A lot of people make this mistake.

Moar wooden toys!

1) The time they last depends on brand and charger. I shop carefully these days.