
Vote: Swiftkey 3

The amp would be useful for me, but amps cost $100 for this quality, not $200. Also, from what I can see I would not be able to stream movies from my NAS anymore. I don't want to stream it all from the internet... I have loads of content still at home. So $150 may have been a better price for this.

Sure, perhaps if it was only a set-top box like the AppleTV. I agree that it is overpriced, but I think $150-$200 is reasonable since it would also be able to replace my amplifier.

Ah, yes. I did some extensive research for a good cable modem (Motorola Surfboard) since I wanted my own instead of renting. It's been bliss so far. Don't think I've rebooted in the last 6 months.

I so want Google Drive to be the best, but alas, Dropbox is still the most solid performer out there.

Agreed. I've saved so much time (and thus so much money) by just buying one.

Vote: Latest Apple Airport Extreme

I did not like the fact that it asked me for Facebook credentials, but I thought to try it out regardless. But when it prompted me for my password without obscuring it, I immediately removed the app.

News-flash: People who earn 9 Percent Higher Pay Than Those Who Don’t, can afford to exercise regularly.

Those 1000 cds cost you almost a lifetime worth of Spotify subscription. With Spotify you also don't have to store, move and organise inconvenient physical devices. I guess now that you already own those CDs it may be different (or do they own you?) I too am in the same boat however, and it's the sunk cost falacy that

Vote: Rackspace

This does not look to be a synchronization app... seems more like a upload/download helper.

I can report the same thing... since I bought my refurbished Airport Extreme I've all but forgotten there are such things as routers.

Firstly; that's not a grammar mistake. It's a typo, and I'm willing to overlook that without any problem. I do have issues with bad grammar when it's on a high-profile site like Lifehacker. However, the editors and writers here are generally excellent.

I quit reading at the title... "Quit Killing Your Houseplants with the Help of Tech"

Handbrake in my opinion is better (and also free). Been using it for a long time now on Mac with little problems.

Well, as soon as IE9 is available for me on my platform I'll be sure to run it... until then rating it as 'best' is just speculation. For me the number-one reason to switch to (or away from) a service or product is the amount of lock-in it has. If IE ran on Mac I may just use it. I'm not married to Mac either, I can

All valid points, but from the perspective of the end user this is of no concern. IE historically has held the internet back, and future versions may do the same, but as far as the end user was concerned it was never 'bad'.

One thing that everyone forgets to mention is that you cannot share a large amount of Dropbox files with another user, without that user ALSO having a large amount of space in their accounts. Thus you would pay double (or just be unable to share) if you had to share a common document space with, say, your wife.

create a google hosted domain, enable drive on that, and share all your docs across.