Translated: "It's an opportunity for gamers to say, 'Yeah, playing games like this will cause me to kill someone, so maybe if I turn them off for a day I can postpone the inevitable bloodshed that will result from enjoying a form of media that the people in charge of the news still don't understand.'"
Don't patronize…
I understand the idea behind this but I can't help but feel that it doesn't do anything but further propagate the idea that violent Video Games are responsible for real world violence.
Thank You Robby! But Your Job Is In Another Castle!
Why don't you guys ever post his other stuff? I don't ever watch these rants, but his non character stuff is all really good.
These "related" article blocks need to be offset from the main story or something — This is a relatively short article and there are 3 "related" sections interrupting the main story... it's hard to tell if it ended or if i should keep scrolling!
I wish more games used this in modern games. The Resident Evil remakes on GC used them masterfully. I liked it in the Resident Evil franchise because it allowed developers to frame the game in interesting camera shots, bringing a sense of good cinematography to the video game world and giving the developers the…
Pre-rendered graphics weren't only used in complex cinematic cutscenes back in the day when a game's own 3D engine…