
No, this commenter hasn’t voted SINCE the last election. Nor have you. We have all always never voted since the last election always.

There haven’t been elections since the last one. It would appear that this was a joke. Friend, be safe!

Who? Those sound like dutch friends of your parents. Like, buddies they met on a cruise ship.

I don’t talk about Chris. Please respect that. Well except for Chris O Donell’s stunning turn as Robin in “Batman Forever”, easily the best Batman film. “TIME FOR YOU TO COOL OFF, BATMAN. IT’S ANOTHA ICE AGE.” Love that film.

Small world, that’s really cool! +1 team-building through providence

I don’t know about athleticism, but I WOULD NOT go to war with these gals. It wouldn’t suit my morale, no sir. I thrive on platonic* male intimacy, it’s just how I learn best.

This isn’t the way Uncle Ronnie played darts. Then again, we went by Vietnam rules in Ronnie’s basement. Well, actually it was Grandma Marge’s basement, I guess, but Ronnie lived there. Anyways, per Ronnie, I’m still the world champion, because just like all the great darts announcers will tell you, THE ONLY WAY TO

Let’s all just admit it- this man is a THUG!!! T.H.U.G. Whose to say how well-endowed he is? What does it have to do with my wife’s browser history? A lifetime of inadequacy, you say??? Why would i feel less-than sexually? I’m not the THUG.

Next level shit. +1 cunning linguist

This is brilliant for reasons that I lack the moral courage to properly articulate. +1 of Jennifer Anniston’s dreadlocked regrets

If you go out for a pack of cigarettes and run into my Dad at the package store, please bring him home.

So wait, before you hit the lady did you talk to her? i don’t know how to talk to girls can u show me?

If I give you my lunch money then u will protect me?

Apostrophes-why do you despise them? Maybe for you city folks it’s the de rigueur Pomo tic of the season. I’m just too much of a big ol’ redneck to have sniffed er’ out from down here in the holler. Y’all sophisticated urban folks are just plum too much.

Real quick the Samer thing a joke? I’ve seen solid commenters suggest(in hushed tones) that incurring the wrath of one the bloggers for even the pettiest of reasons will effectively result in a black-balling, but I sorta just assumed it was conspiratorial chatter.

It was an elegant joke, man. You should feel good about it.

Will you take me for cruise in your muscle car?

And oh yeah, go fuck yourself.

oh, and I didn’t expect you to understand the trump vote. Fuck Trump, I hope someone shoots him. I asked you not to actively pray for people to hurt! Cus thats an awful thing to do. Fuck you.

Ok, well I just prayed for all of your loved ones to hurt, too :)