
Your prediction of their inevitable fall from power seems a little strange coming just a week after they all got together and voted a bigot into the white(hmm) house.

Hey, good people who HATE trump and racists can have Hep C. I have hep c. It would be nice not to be made to feel as if I’m disgusting in the comments section.

Good point, basic economics understanding guy. Here’s the invisible hand of the market giving you the middle the finger

Clinton would have beaten Trump if not for the (bogus) email scandal. Bernie had no such email scandal. Ipso how obvious could this be facto, Bernie would have had a far easier time winning this election. And the whole “they wouldn’t vote for a socialist” narrative is willful bit of myopia; for the last eight years

Your assertion that the protesters are in the streets as a tacit vote of confidence for Mrs. Clinton leads me to believe you haven’t actually been to the protests. No Godz, no Masterz Anarchists-20 percent. Young/terrified POC+allies who wouldn’t be sad if Trump spontaneously combusted but don’t give a shit about

I understand this is well intentioned but can we please stop with vague intimations of justified violence within the prison system? In my early twenties I spent a year in an Indiana prison on a possession charge. I can assure you that the things I witnessed were horrifying beyond description. Even if you believe this