
I also thought the time spent on the Neon reflection was a little telling, it'd be interesting to go back and see if the reflection is correct, meaning does the reflection appear as it would in real life or is it a tell that this is not reality?

After rethinking the two episodes too many things don't add up for this to be the reality we live in. A special agent is murdered and the body is left in a house who's address was given to Ethan. When he finds the body it conveniently still has a notebook undestroyed though the body has been burned. The body is

I think it's interesting that in the opening scenes of the first episode Ethan is speaking to someone about not stopping some type of Bombing and he is told he did his duty and what he was told to do. I believe he then says "those lives are on me" or something similar. This makes me think that Wayward Pines is a