Did that bear do the WARSMAN claw?
Did that bear do the WARSMAN claw?
Hopefully we can get rid of the Post-PT horror trope of loops and move on to the Post-ANATOMY trope of corruption of nostalgia.
Maybe someone can explain to me how the poster boy for corrupt businessmen for the last 30 years is somehow to be trusted to clean up corruption... Especially after he backed down or lied about nearly all of his campaign promises?
I guess I never saw Gone Home as about “Love and Hope”, More about 2 dumb,angsty teenagers who will probably end up homeless.
If you want to get anal about it, “Bleach” Is perfectly fine name for sex work.
Yes, you did a great job explaining WHY Nintendo is so shitty at being with the times. Congratulations?
Why shouldn’t people call them out on their stupid bullshit?
Funny, I’d imagine most of the sales for this thing would come from the same people who buy those Mixed Quality Skylander Wannabe Figs that give you shitty DLC.
That argument only makes sense if they released a Turn Based Strategy plug and play that only had Old TBS games from the 80's with no possibility of expansions.
And after a week when people realize they’ve played all those games a dozen times before, it will collect dust in a corner or shoot right onto Ebay, much like the Wii U.
That or I don’t see the point or novelty in a a 60 dollar emulator that plays games that were released a half dozen other times on Nintendo consoles before, and can’t be expanded on after the initial release.
If you are wondering how Nintendo fell from grace of the average player, releasing a Plug and Play system in 2016 is probably a good sign of the general direction the company took as a whole...
Not Overcrotch? They blew it.
And the two worst heroes? Did a bunch of edgy alt-kids make this? Oh wait, it’s cosplay porn, of course it was edgy-alt kids.
That’s fair. But considering he turned MGS into an Open World Merc Shooter, which is probably the 2nd most overdone genre, I’m not seeing a huge problem with stock zombies, especially if I get Monster Gear out of it.
I’ll play devil’s advocate. Let’s assume Grey Fox survived the mine explosion, That the Skulls are more Plagas than Zombies, and that when he said he wanted Grey Fox to fight Nanomachine Zombies in Rising 2 it was a misunderstanding...
Grey Fox explodes, there’s an explosion noise and an explosion sprite. It’s pretty cut and dry. The Skulls are brain dead, they are soulless husks controlled by a parasitic host. You can argue semantics of “Zombie” and “Metaphysics” all you want, but undead creatures are nothing new by MGS standards.
It would be, if the game wasn’t embarrassingly terrible in the story department.
Grey Fox was dead, blown to bits by explosives before the Cyborg Suit. He’s Undead by any definition.