
The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.

Just want to say you really want to avoid the slow clap. It’s known to be antibiotic resistant.

My parents’ English was not great when they immigrated from Taiwan. My Mom in particular got really good at English and now has a Masters degree. I’ll second your “Fuck you, Stephen Miller.”

Awwww, here I was, hoping to see a review of John Oliver’s taint wipes. Bummer.

I constantly have to shut down requests to open an artisinal bakery down there.

Yeah, I kind of feel bad about doing that now...

Wouldn’t a “cosmopolitan bias” be the one that favors rich professionals?

I thought about reinventing myself and then spending the entire rest of my life acting out the charade I have always wanted to become. Then I remembered I’m tired and just didn’t have it in me. So, I took a nap instead.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, asshole.

It’s good to have a minimal standard. “Seeing a butthole” should be a line all Americans refuse to cross.

The wondrous thing about the American system is that even if she does have a solid fair-use argument and would eventually win, it would cost her so much to defend that it would be irrational to try. There’s no reason for rich people or corporations not to sue anyone they want, knowing that 95% of defendants can’t

It is easier to buy a gun and shoot it that, let’s say throwing 200 knives for 10 minutes, train ants to kill, develop a new virus in your own bedroom, built a tank with soda cans, buy a magical sword, become invisible, gather an army of grandmas, and I could keep going but I am lazy.

Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.

I’ll be content if he gets double stuffed fudge from the Senate Intel Committee.

His Hype Music:

Hope that Jeffy will stir up some trouble for his boss!