“.................... the only thing that ruins it for me is the range....... “
“.................... the only thing that ruins it for me is the range....... “
Based on the videos, it appears it was just off the transporter, and still in transport mode. It does not appear it was put in there by the new owner, but rather it had not been taken out of the mode yet post-shipping. Also, Transport Mode has no effect on airbag installation.
Haven’t accomplished a damn thing in our lives? I once did that thing where you put a pile of coins on your elbow and swing your hand down to catch them, and I’m pretty sure I got, like, 75% of those coins. A lot clattered under the couch, but still. Checkmate.
This is what happens when you start getting high on your own farts.
And yet Elon will never notice you.
So wearing a sweatshirt, being assertive, and liking sports makes a woman gay?
That was my first thought too. This reeks of the notion that women who aren’t traditionally feminine must obviously be gay. “She likes football and beer, how can she also like men?”
Which would be odd enough as-is, but it’s especially off given how most of the previews so far have been word-for-word recreations of bits from the original show.
This isn’t airing on TV, so that won’t matter either way.
Wha? Why? Betty and Howard were a cute couple together! It was actually interesting seeing the “tough, manly” one being the wife with the husband being the “meek, submissive” one. And it was made clear during the original show that Betty did indeed adore Howard.
It does have 4 wheels...
They aren’t either.
Truthfully, it’s -very- uncommon for next-gen consoles to have titles that really -sell- the hardware and make clear that it’s worth upgrading at the start.
The wheelchair in the bed has me wondering if the Toyota is modified for accessibility. It wouldn’t excuse anything, but it adds potential answers to “what went wrong?”
why don’t they just make the whole truck out of tailgate?