
Forcing somebody to do something (“force other automakers to sell more of these models instead of using credits”) is not “encouragement.”

I just wonder how sustainable the whole Tesla business model is when it’s not being propped up by state & tax credits, ZEV credits, massive credits and incentives to build new factories, etc. etc.

...should that system be tightened to encourage...

Honestly, I kind of respect Verstappen for not giving a fuck. He saw both Hamilton and Rosberg cut corners and gain an advantage without getting penalized, and he didn’t get any penalty while the race was still on. So why give up the position?

He’ll probably have to pay a fine to the charity of Bernie Ecclestone’s wallet.

So many good ones.

Now playing

Or you could buy an old Mercedes and have the best of both, Patrick.

That’s part of the fuzzy logic human element. In Boston, the car’s blinkers will be disabled, and it will speed up for orange, and a “just” red is processed as green.

Oh boy, you’re going to get them all angry if you imply that Tesla doesn’t meet the deadlines and you don’t laud Tesla for their high quality control. I still expect ze Germans to have a car to walk in and buy long before Tesla gets going on the Model 3. And those guys know what panel gaps and body lines are

You will, but only if the VW Labor Council agrees to the terms.

That guy! That guy convinced a woman to buy him a Lamborghini and a Corvette....seriously? I can’t believe he convinced anyone to date him let alone buy him a car....WTF is wrong with people?

If the only Saab you like is the 9-5 then you misseed the point of Saab on a fundamental level.

The 959 is water cooled though. Ok, it still has air cooled cylinders, but the heads are water cooled.

i never understood the hate of Corollas. They make a perfectly acceptable economy car for the non enthusiast masses.

I own an Abarth 500. it has the same engine. A flash fixes everything. more torque more HP and better economy. the factory tune drown the car in fuel in the upper end and in high boost low speed (lugging) situations to prevent detonation. a tune fixes this. the exhaust can be fixed as well. IMHO those are easier and

He drove the non-abarth 124, the abarth 124 would sound much better.

This is cute and everything, but ultimately a silly promotional project that will not result in any real sales volume. What Fiat should really be working on is a fast-back version of the 124:

Long range is awesome because sometimes where you want to pee is not where you want to buy gas. And because you can hold out for better gas prices instead of having to suffer highway robbery in the middle of nowhere.