It’s not. Probably veneered onto a lightweight substrate, but definitely not fake. And the interior is pretty up to date.
It’s not. Probably veneered onto a lightweight substrate, but definitely not fake. And the interior is pretty up to date.
/buying it before the seller reads this goddamn article
your’re aware that moisture remains very close to the surface of the ground, right? If you dig into the ground with 2500+lbs of car rolling at a pretty good rate, you’re going to dig down into that moisture. You might recall that moisture and dirt tend to have something in common with mud
mud is usually a by product of running off road and flipping at 100+mph
It’s cool that climate change posts bring out the shitty armchair psuedoscienitists on Jalopnik just like they do on Gizmodo.
You’re fighting a losing battle, presenting facts to all the global warming fanatics here.
I did. Climate changes with or without us.
How is any of this car news!
I guess so. You’re kind of preaching to the choir since I still prefer interiors like this:
Repeat after me: the left lane is NOT the “fast lane” it is the passing lane. It is for passing, not for cruising, regardless of your speed.
Tell that to the slow ass people driving 50 in the fast lane.
I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand. I drive FAST always but have no problem letting someone FASTER go ahead of me. It boggles my mind.
It doesn’t matter if you are doing 60 mph or 160 mph, if there is someone behind you who wants to go faster than you do, then move the F over.
In the long run, he probably saved his kid a lot of maintenance headaches.
Meh. Well maybe not meh because it’s pretty good, but the Elmiraj is much much sexier.
It’s not silly. It’s exactly what you get when your CEO is hellbent on claiming he can do everything better than everyone and your brand enters halo status. When your brand strategy is that you’re better because you’re everything other cars aren’t, and then you have the same problems as other cars, people tend to pay…
I think it’s silly how much publicity Tesla gets for every little thing that happens to them. They get blamed for their cars’ drivers’ inattentiveness and whenever something goes wrong on the car people freak out because they thought they were supposed to be perfect.
That’s true... BUT... how many car fires happen on brand new cars vs. older cars that may have not been properly maintained and/or have deteriorating components?
Holy units batman! The chart you posted has units of PVwatts / m^2, I don’t see how you converted that to PVwatts/year? You also state the chart includes efficiency, then you multiply by another efficiency factor? Since you are charging a DC battery from a DC solar panel, and people wash their cars more often then…