LA Goldenrod

I hate to be that guy, but I'm having trouble ignoring the fact that all Dany has to do is fly her three dragons north and have them incinerate the army of the dead. It would take, what, three minutes of fire-breathing time? Four?

"The Two Jakes."

Which makes me worried that after everything Arya has gone through, she
won't be able to settle in Winterfell and will inevitably leave.

No, it wasn't presented as comic relief at all. I don't know how anybody could think that it was.That's just one of several eyebrow-raising observations in this review.

When Arya says, "That's not you" to Nymeria as the wolf departs, it's a reference to a scene in season one between Arya and Ned Stark. Ned is talking to his daughter about her future, when she is married and has children of her own, and she shakes her head and tells him, "That's not me."

Among other things, she played the Matthew Broderick character's wife in "Election."

Watching this slow-motion tragedy unspool, I am always keenly aware of the fact that Jimmy will inevitably and necessarily lose Kim. It's starting to look like he will lose her by dragging her into some sort of criminal or, at least, highly unethical activity that causes her to be disbarred, at best. Perhaps she even

"The Two Jakes," the Jack Nicholson-directed sequel to Chinatown is the worst movie I have ever seen in a theater. Being such a fan of Chinatown, I had high hopes. They were dashed 20 minutes in and I walked out.

Robin Weigert (the therapist) is amazing. I have loved her in everything I have ever seen her in. If you haven't seen "Concussion," find it.

So, not one of the dozens of elite tech experts in that basement thought to check if the firewall was blocking the sock puppets? I'm just an English major, but I would have probably thought about that after a couple of hours.

Tara and that dude she went on the run with will come riding in, guns blazing, and save the day. That, or they'll try but get raped and murdered instead.

The A.V. Club probably needs separate reviews for newbies and for those who have read the comics, as with Game of Thrones.

I disagree that the episode is a "massive failure," but you're right about Liam.