
Are you personally offended by this native american appropriation? Or are you offended on their behalf? Because I’m offended you’re appropriating the hurt feelings of REAL native americans!

You so totally aren’t wrong. But there’s no evidence that she did this writing out of disrespect. Can we please just assume good will on her part, please? Ignorance, yes, but not malice or even disrespect.

Nope. She can be as lazy in her research as she likes. It’s her fictional universe, she can do what she wants with it. If she makes a historical error about folklore, that’s literally all it is. A factual error. At the worst, it is sloppy alternative history. Morally offensive? No. No more than if an American author

>>“I’d love, love, love to see how this worthless internet generation would have handled Salman Rushdie back in the day. That would have been hilarious.”

For her ‘magical people ride around on flying brooms and play air soccer’ story?

Right, but a lot of the people ‘hurt’ in this case are white yuppie activists. In another comment, someone mentioned how some tribal leaders have spoken and they’re not happy, implying that ALL native Americans are offended. That is just as bad as assuming that none are offended. Stop speaking for other people

criticized JK for using the blanket term Native American

The thing about this quote that makes it kind of stupid is that sometimes when someone says “you hurt my feelings”, it’s completely appropriate to say “so fucking what?”

Me neither. It’s absolutely nuts. It’s as if people are so stereotype-averse that they’re loath to ascribing any kind of characteristic whatever to a people, even one which is true. I thought the description gels perfectly well Native American history.

And you are hearing SOOOO many constitutional and revolutionary war historians losing their shit over it, right?