I would not hate if Lucifer just kept making every character name a relevant pop culture reference (or three) from this point on.
I would not hate if Lucifer just kept making every character name a relevant pop culture reference (or three) from this point on.
I'll allow it. But just this once.
It's a really good photo, isn't it?
Agreed. This must. (Edit: I replied to this when you'd accidentally just entered "This must." I stand by it though. When I think of this episode, all I can really say is "this must." Because this episode must.)
I don't know, I swear I had it in my original draft of this WOT. Will fix, guys.
Mrs. Langdon Alger, you may be in the minority, but that also puts you in good company with me.
"Oh, and the Ritter boy still hasn't become this show's Jason Teague." You say this now, but wait until Felicity finds the first Stone of Power…
Nicholas Hoult is going to be so disappointed.
This feels like a safe space: Stardust Zombie? Still pretty damn Dashing.
Rocketpilot, you nerd!
Rocketpilot, I will say I also disagree with your points. At least everything but there being nothing to say about Supernatural. I've watched every episode and I have nothing left to say but "bring back season two!"
I actually think Ella's "I used to steal cars" was my biggest laugh. Because what a steely answer.
Think of it this way: You don't have to watch it with a critical eye. Leave that to me.
Next week: Chloe fights for her life… and against her police brutality charge.
"Douchecam" was a bigger laugh to you than "no one calls my skank a skank?" Now I know we can never see eye to eye, Ds2488. ;)
Lucifer's been a secret hangout comedy this whole time, and I can't wait for it to acknowledge that.
Considering I repeatedly called this episode fun and pointed out the second half is stronger than the first, am I to assume "most fan reaction" is that it was boring and the first half is the stronger one? Because that would actually be the opposite of my take.
Because his Hell fun facts are actually kind of "useless" (like a lot of "fun facts") any way and this one is especially obvious, and the Chloe line as the button is good and funny enough as it is. But it's fine.
"Can we wait for the guy to actually debut before we trash him?"