
Well first of all it doesn’t *need* to be specially made, if they make dresses in that size and have one they want to offer her I’m sure she’d be thrilled to accept. Second, I think it’s pretty reasonable to express disgust that you are starring in what will be a hugely successful movie — an act that, for the VAST

All the arguments “against” Jones are based on the question “Why doesn’t she just do something completely different than everyone else,” which is missing the point that she shouldn’t have to do anything different than everyone else. The designers may not have an obligation to make sure everyone gets free clothes, but

Models can make garbage look good; but if your work looks good on everyone, you are a genius.

A few of the biggest celebrities wear couture to events like the Oscars. Most celebrities wear tailored Ready to Wear to events like this kind of movie premiere. The dresses are very high end designer dresses, but not true couture.

Thank you. I was genuinely curious. I felt like that person make a huge leap of logic suggesting she didn’t (unless Paster knew something I didn’t).

Everyone else is getting their dresses for free, because of the exposure they give to the brand. Once someone has deemed that you’re not worthy of the same treatment that everyone else gets, are you going to turn around and give them $5,000+ and the exposure? Maybe if you were chicken shit you’d be that weak. Leslie

I’m curious as to what this process is for selecting a gown... I assume this isn’t coming together because of tailoring needed or something ??

Oh, good. It wasn’t just me.

I love that no designers stepped in because she’s not a sample size but no- oh no - it’s not because of a size bias. Do they hear themselves?

Aren’t...aren’t they making her argument for her?

I don’t know why I’m ever surprised to find out that white people in 2016 think that non-white people, especially Black people, are simply handed things for being their race. Here are the things that I am supposed to get for being Black:

You seem very riled up about strangers.

That’s why I pack all kinds of random shit under there, I tell everyone that it’s because I’m a slob, but really it’s so nobody can fit in there.

The title made it sound like she was causing trouble on the flight. Instead it seems like something terrible happened to her.

God, Adam (no I will NOT call you Calvin, you passively-racist buttmunch) had such a punchable expression in his photo. Good on you for the upgrade, Taylor.

That’s not what notoriety means.

And the idea that a thing has to be “trending” to be relevant? I’d argue the opposite is true.

Is it just me, or did Zoe get way more grief for playing a dark-skinned black woman than people like Scarlett Johanassen got for trying to play Asian? I can understand why people think a darker-skinned actress should have been given the role — but I can also understand why Zoe would leap at the chance to play Nina. I

“She is essential to our American history. As a woman first, and only then as everything else.”

“The fact that we’re talking about her, that Nina Simone is trending? We [f–king] won,” Saldana stated. “For so many years, nobody knew who the [f–k] she was”