
It’s a stupid argument. This case is not going to get overturned because the lawyer didn’t say “Well, he was thousands of miles away, incapable of not directing people to rape his unconscious girlfriend.” Do you know how difficult it is to make a successful ineffective assistance of counsel claim?

Whelp that be really easy to discover.

And/or, those dudebros wouldn’t consider when they raped someone to be rape.

This just breaks my heart, that this survivor has to go through a trial again. I was recently up for jury duty, and was pretty stoked about the ability to serve as a peer for someone on a jury, until I discovered it was a rape case. I’m a rape survivor. I stood up and disclosed it to the entire court, because that’s

And Brock Turner was a confused kid who shouldn’t be punished for committing rape because he was in California, far away from the Midwest.

It is spooky how well you summed up his exact thoughts.

“Vandenburg’s defense attorneys depict him as a confused kid, thousands of miles away from his California home”.

Hang on, so the fact there was a rape survivor on the jury somehow invalidates the entire jury’s verdict?

Also, from what I gleaned from the local coverage the past two days, it does appear as though the rich white student had his trial separated from the scholarship black student in hopes of cooking up a pretty ridiculous defense. Supposedly the attorneys for Vandenburg are claiming that he was taking the victim back to

Apparently it was a man who didn’t consider himself a victim, and so didn’t mention it.

verdicts were overturned after it was discovered that the foreman of the jury had been a victim of statutory rape

I am now rockin’ what I call GOD’S PLATINUM. And the front of my head now looks similar to Madonna’s on the cover of the Rolling Stone in the ‘80's. My stylist in the 80-90's refused to bleach my hair as it is fine and delicate (and he didn’t want to listen to me cry during and after it all fell out).

This is such totally standard and understandable behavior though. It’s very typical for people to waffle about just how serious they want to get with the law following domestic violence. They haven’t stopped loving the other party after all, and besides, an adversarial deposition is terrifying and invasive as a

That’s easy to say when it’s not your family member dead in front of you. There’s a vast difference between utopia and being shot dead by a madman with a gun at a concert venue for no reason. There is a middle ground. And for what it’s worth, I would like to live in a world where I don’t have to accept such things as

I think it’s fair to say that her divorce will negatively impact her ability to support herself in the future given how well-loved and well-connected Depp is in Hollywood. Based on how people (his many friends mostly) are responding now, I’m positive she’ll find it difficult to get work for at least a few years after

I’m a divorce lawyer in California and typically, temporary “guideline” support (support paid between the time someone files a petition for a divorce and final judgment) is calculated by a computer program. There are exceptions but, for the most part, you throw in her income and his income and it spits out a number.

Between the pictures, and the assistant I don’t see how this isn’t really just a done deal and needs time.

Indeed. But it’s nonetheless a common pattern to excuse abuse, just one version of the ‘ole “she’s asking for it” meme. See also: The victim in the Brock Turner case, with his defense resting on painting her as a loose, drunken party slut. Even if that were true, it would not change what he did.

This whole thing has been far too close to home.
My Dad is an abusive, manipulative, controlling man, yet when I was growing up and singing in charity events (that he helped organised) people thought he was just lovely - little did they know that he’d berate me in the car and tell me how awful I was if I accidentally

Buzzfeed has a surprisingly good article on how the media handles these celebrity abuse cases. It usually amounts to “they’re both crazy”.