
I see Damon has been perusing the ladies' glasses section at J&T Optical.

You're welcome!

Exactly! What do you know?

"Your fly's open." - Dean Jones

With leather.

Hey grandpa! How's the short man?


So ya wanna learn how to tie your shoes?


False. FUN song or Campfire Song.

Fuck Universal.

Disregarding the law? Sweet Fancy Moses, it's just a lemonade stand. Anyway, isn't it time for you to come back from your three hour break, Postal Employee Newman?

Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.

Oh Staaaaniel…

Bow chicka wow chicka chicka wow…

Actually, wasn't Cheers AT the bottom?

Because he's MY butler!

"The R stands for 'redundant', right? - Qweef Latina - The Fat Jew - Shia LaBeouf" - Michael Scott

Peen Wolf?

Dammit; beaten.