
Good Lord, I thought you were joking, but nope. And I actually liked Coach. The eps where Hayden and Luther destroy Christine's apartment and where Hayden has to be interviewed by Keith Jackson are still great. But must we resurrect everything? Let it die.

Season 9 sucked, although I actually did like the finale for actually trying something creative and not completely stupid.

Big Daddy gets a few laughs from me, but it is pretty bad. The Waterboy I still enjoy, but Lord, that was, what, 1998?

Caliente, Jerry!

I don't know, this project still makes me have some reserv……uh, anyway, I suppose people will probably end up buying up most of the tickets for this. Some might have to buy from a scal…


That's so Mom!

Will Newman rise from the dead only to get eaten again?

Good God. All these puns are going to drive me to commit barbicide.

Bleachers are still out of order. Moose outside shoulda told us.

Wainwright is already out for the season. Of course, the last time that happened, the Cards won the WS, so…

What the hell would you know about Muppets?


Needs more Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.

I just insulted the macaroni and cheese recipe of a whale!! What about that is not EVIL?

Bow chicka wow wow, that's what my baby said!

Founded by John P. Tristate, of course.

Definitely. His backstory is hilariously detailed.

Love "Hammer"?

I just assumed he was after the chalk board in the pool room.