Lady Yuck

Original creepypasta was better.

Jesus fucking Christ. This country is insane.

I just graduated, and right as I did the graduate students formed a union. Tenured faculty definitely have more power but I would highly recommend grad students and adjuncts join unions if they can.

My mother was depressed and worked over 40 hour weeks doing physical labor for the latter part of my childhood (single mom). I can’t tell how extreme most cases were/are—but she did worry CPS would take us away.

Oh go fuck yourself

Vote for Sirens everyone. Not only do they look like bird people but they lure men to their deaths.

Actually don’t do that either, you could burn your dick.

You were born before 1977? If so you look great.

Now I haven’t read the books since high school, but the message I got from them was all these rich kids were the WORST and deserved everything bad that happened to them (the poor people were presented more sympathetically). Although it has been years and I was a pretentious little shit.

I was about to say, if she’s that bad at driving there should be some supplementary lessons going on. It’s one thing to get fender benders or go over curbs (not sure the exact situation here) but if she’s getting in serious accidents the solution isn’t “cheap car.” She could be killed (or kill someone). Driving is a

I love their true crime originals but I mostly watch netflix for happy brainless crap (like 30 Rock and Bob’s Burgers, now I guess just Portlandia). Like I’m not trying to be bummed out EVERY TIME I watch Netflix.

I am polyamorous. I was adding the image to the comment that opening up a broken relationship will not solve any problems—they will still be there.


I keep diva cups in all the time, cuts down on the goop.

I should sign my work emails this way.

I wouldn’t say it’s only that women are risk adverse, they just know negotiations are more likely to bite them in the ass—men are seen as more assertive and stronger for asking, women are seen as pushy instead.

Hey lay off, that is very offensive to the prize hogs I saw at the state fair

Most sociopaths wouldn’t do this. She wanted to be the grieving girlfriend—it almost sounds like something like Munchausen by proxy. Again not to defend her, this is definitely the worst kind of abuse mentally issue or no.