Lady Yuck

I know an Asian man who married a White woman and to my horror I totally judged him for it. If he had married a Black woman I would totally be there for that though. MAKE MY BRANDY CINDERELLA DREAMS COME TRUE!!! (I realize this is not a logical position).

It was written oddly, no worries!

I’m pretty sure they mean opening weekend, not total. ok?

I started *not* shaving my legs because even very young I wanted to shave practically everything—and I just wanted to try and deal with my culturally induced dislike of hair. Part of me would love a nose job, a tummy tuck, etc., but I think I would benefit from challenging those desires rather than acting on them. It

Pay off your credit card debt, for several reasons. One, it probably has a 15+% APR, which you should compare to the 1% interest you would make in a savings account. Two, it would improve your credit so if you could get a lower APR on personal loan (it will be high but less than credit cards) you can use for moving


I was baptized Catholic but never got confirmed/took Communion. My dad’s side of the family is super Catholic, and I love all the people at their church and the community they have. But yeah with stuff like this I just can’t.

I mean tbh I’m anti-prison in general. Also, for future reference try not to reply to comments that are almost a year old—we’ve moved on with our lives.

I was obsessed with the Marauders, full discloscure, because I LOVED Sirius and Lupin. JK seemed to really dislike Sirius for being childish/a bit of a jerk but HELLO, Snape is cool?!? He was the most abusive piece of shit in the whole book. Dude had some witty lines but his “redemption” was absurd.

I mean, if she *had* to end up with someone she dated in high school, sure Krum is a solid pick. But the whole everyone marrying their high school sweetheart thing was weird af, I agree with TightAss.

I don’t even say no thank you.

First thing is first, you should get a cat. You own a home—you need to fill that place up with kitties. I recommend getting a senior cat if you’re not sure about having one for 18 years or so, also it’s tough for them to get adopted.

Heathen? Uh only BARBARIANS drink undiluted wine! —actual opinions of ancient Greeks and Romans

Yeah that was uncalled for. They should’ve said, “Domestic Abuser Johnny Depp.” Leave out that accused bullshit.

Was the pizza the same price as a normal pizza? Asking for a friend.

So, you’re a troll. I hope you find another hobby that brings you more joy than trolling online.

Fair enough—I’m 27 and I remembered thinking of “Angry Beavers” as a “new” cartoon (as opposed to Ren and Stimpy and Rugrats). But anyway sorry, I overreacted. I didn’t mean to be rude.

This is a really shitty thing to say.