Going off of the crazy things I hear in fashion magazines, I’m sure they were supposed to make your ankles look really small which is supposed to be sexy or something.
Going off of the crazy things I hear in fashion magazines, I’m sure they were supposed to make your ankles look really small which is supposed to be sexy or something.
EXACTLY. This is classic manbaby behavior, like a guy slowly devolving on Tinder because you don’t respond in 2 minutes.
You’re also paying for amazing customer service. The postal carrier delivered the package to the wrong address (I learned this later because the neighbor brought it later). Amazon resent it for free. It’s also cheaper than netflix and hulu, spotify, pandora, etc., while ALSO providing free 2-day shipping. I don’t see…
You’re also paying for amazing customer service. The postal carrier delivered the package to the wrong address (I…
Why would it?
I bet that’s also the Hillary twitter intern who made the “do you wanna build a strawman?” tweet.
For blackheads I would recommend tea tree oil. I have the most stubborn blackheads on my nose (unpoppable) and noticed a huge difference with tea tree oil. It burns though, so start out only using a teeny tiny amount.
I can’t believe he used that verb to refer to an actual human, let alone one he met in person.
These days even the midwest has high prices. A good area in Indianapolis is like $850 for a 2 bed, and in Chicago it is roughly a gazillion dollars.
These authors: “I’m not like those racist Trump supporters.”
Penis enlargement pills sales
Donald Trump VIOLENTLY raped a 13 year old and you don’t see cops shooting him. Hell, no one is even reporting on it and he’s running for president. There are different sets of rules for white and black people.
I’ve heard we all sounded like this:
I can tell my cats are feminists because the girl (black one) does all the hunting, while the boy (tabby) does all the cleaning and grooming.
I will definitely have to watch. In a totally non-historical/fantasy theme, but still with like the same level of drama as an HBO show is Unreal, which takes on sexism in the entertainment industry directly. I’m surprised Jez hasn’t written more about it. I never seem to see it on the main page...
Congrats! I still have to pass that hurdle with someone I like as a human but I don’t see us going anywhere so... is ghosting on him acceptable?
I think he was talking about masturbating.
I don’t know how to feel about this either, it’s such a weird case. It just makes me sad.
In case that was too subtle for some people: https://twitter.com/kanyewest/stat…
So true. I have an idiot Indy facebook friend who reacted to the Orlando shooting by complaining Dems were trying to take his guns. This same genius gave a loaded gun to a guy who promptly fired it in a house.