Seconded. Brains = #1. I can’t fuck stupid. Well, not more than once.
Seconded. Brains = #1. I can’t fuck stupid. Well, not more than once.
That's a solid plan.
Eh, I’ll stick to my original plan; responsible savings and investments that will one day leave me with enough income to appear on Millionaire Matchmaker. Like a normal person.
You were just doing your friends a favor, even if they still don’t realize it.
Torn on this one...I love movies about female friendship, I like the actors (haaayyy Drew, glad you’re back in a non-Sandler movie). But I hate manipulative tearjerker movies so, so much. My friends still talk about how I ruined The Notebook for them with my eye rolling and asshole commentary.
He’s already the “tour guide” for the tram ride at Universal Studios Hollywood. I’m guessing he’s just narrating as you fly over New York or something, like Soaring Over California at Disneyland? On that ride you smell oranges and sea spray. NYC smells are what? Sewer fumes and smog? Does Pizza Rat make a cameo? wut?…
To this day I gag when seeing the word “degloving”.
And ERIC FOREMAN is in it. Oh sorry, I meant Topher Grace.
**Edit** Initially the above was supposed to be a joke about how Topher Grace is a bad actor but now I see you have written Tobey Maguire instead of Topher Grace. Its Topher Grace who is in the movie.
Every time someone asks me to babysit a baby doll, I just say, “no thank you. I think Ariana Grande can take care of herself.”
Right? Load up your Kindle and settle in, lady.
My only problem with this is that if you’re getting paid, why not just follow the frickin’ list of 10 simple rules???
In today’s Tweet Beat, one of the world’s greatest couples takes a great picture, Coco Rocha’s baby boards a private…
I say make time to dance alone with one hand waving free.
FUN FACT: This is one of three movies in which I walked out midway through. And for teenage me, that was a big deal, you all. Movies are expensive!
Ted Danson has also claimed that she thought his little Al Jolson black face thing was hilarious, which is why he was so surprised by the backlash. At the time I thought he was just blaming her, but the shit that has come out of her mouth over the last few years makes me think she might consider blackface funny.
I’d give him an A because I couldn’t stand Carrie. You on the other hand, could your username be more delightful?
Best actor EVER. Brilliant in everything he does. Momento and LA Confidential are two of many wonderful performances.
I wonder how many not-unattractive 47 year old women Tony “notices.”