
Yeah, he seems ok with it though…. not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

I'm glad Zach brought up Henry- I'm really interested to see how he fits into all of this. He has been a bit ignored by his family, but I think he is definitely more perceptive than he lets on. If anything, he is the child that I think would make the better spy (just on skill) from what we have seen. He has that

Ok thank you, that makes a ton of sense!

I LOVE Lost, and have rewatched the series more than once, but for the life of me I can't wrap my mind around Mib/Smoke Monster's motivations and limitations for who he kills. He can't kill Candidates, but he can kill anyone else? And he kills people who are at odds with the island? Does anyone have a clear

Totally agree. He's embracing his inner Desmond.

Me either! Even worse, I randomly had the closed captioning on, that's probably the only reason why I caught it because I didn't spell it that way in my mind.

I'm really interested to see what real life location the "city of light" is, especially with all the religious symbolism being used with Jaha/Murphy's journey to find it. I do hope next season isn't another retread where they find another "bad" group they need to fight.

I HATE everything about Enzo right now. Why is he on the show? Also, you would think Matt would have been involved in the Liz dying storyline at least a teeny tiny bit considering he used to really care about Caroline and was close with her mom.

I hope so!

Wait, are Oliver & Felicity really endgame on Arrow? I'm an Olicity fan, but I feel like they will go there and either kill Felicity or send her to a spin off in a few seasons to set up the Oliver-Laurel endgame due to GA/BC comic canon.

God I love this episode. Thank you so much for doing these reviews. Rewatching the first season was so enjoyable because I really love all the characters. I don't think the show gets enough credit for building up a diverse bunch of fully realized, well-intentioned but flawed characters. Everyone has their favorites,

Good Ol' Roger!

This is hard….
1, 5, 4, 3, 6, 2
Season 1 is so great, I forgot how much I liked it before rewatching. I know I'm the outlier that didn't totally hate season 6, I actually liked the finale b/c of the character moments. Season 2 was by far my least favorite… but even a low ranked season of Lost is better than most other

Yeah the scene where Sawyer tells Jack is one of Lost's greatest moments. It's so well played/earned

I'll admit it, Somerhalder is the reason why I still watch The Vampire Diaries.

I completely agree with your sentiments. This show makes me more emotional than anything else on TV, and I can't explain why. I'm not religious at all, and yet everything around the discussion of faith in this show is so moving. The score is absolutely unbelievable. This is exactly what I needed after a crazy season

They could, and I hope they do, but I just don't know how they are going to handle glamours on the show. I can't imagine they would have Mance survive but not played by Ciran Hinds. I know rattleshirt was in season 3 but I couldn't tell last night if he was one of the Wildlings around Mance when Stannis showed up.

They are going to have A LOT to do with Jon next season, if they fit everything into one season— offer to take Winterfell, election, being Lord Commander, sending Sam away, fetch me a block, peace with the Wildlings, Mance/fakeArya wedding, convos with Mel, possible true parentage hints, being Caesar-ed. They are

I was pissed at no LSH last night, but that Jon-Mel stare through the flames to end the Wall story for the season gave me hope that at least Jon will definitely be resurrected.

I hope this would be true, because Jon is my favorite book character, but I really doubt it. Jon died and although I full expect to him to be resurrected, I can't imagine he will be himself still. And his death points to a different path for him. It seems like his purpose lies with defeating the Others, not sitting